
I Dare You Not to Yawn!

March Break was a bust. SNOW, snow and more snow messed with our travel plans and hockey tournament. I really feel like we were all shafted. But the weather did give up lots of time to plan next month’s trip to Florida and watch our fave shows on Netflix.

I finished up season 3 of House of Cards. How I’ll miss Francis J. Underwood until season 4 is released.

The kids were totally engrossed in Full House. Watching a few episodes certainly brought me back to what life was like in the late 80s and early 90s.

In an effort to actually learn something other than what Uncle Jessie and Joey were up to some 20 years ago, I may have forced the kids to watch some educational content on Netflix. I have to admit, I am now obsessed with TEDTalks: Let Your Mind Wonder. These are quick little episodes are a collection of TED-Ed lessons featuring collaborations between animators and educators, exploring an array of scientific and philosophical topics.

Why is Yawning Contagious is probably my favourite episode. I dare you to watch it and not yawn.

emu bird head

Here are some more “science-y” shows to keep you and your little ones busy learning.

For Your Little kids

1. The Magic School Bus Gains Weight
2. Fetch! with Ruff
3. Animal Mechanicals, Balloon Volcano Island
4. Sid the Science Kid
And your big kids

 1. Nova: Hunting the Elements
2. Cosmos
3. Deadliest Volcanoes: Nova
4. Let Your Mind Wonder



**Disclosure: I am part of the Netflix Canada #StreamTeam. All opinions and views expressed are my own.

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