
I don’t hate them as much as I thought I would

L-A: A friend once told me about how she had to record an ad for fit-flops.  Apparently it’s a real tongue twister. They’re also real fugly.


They’re supposed to be good for you – help posture, help you lose weight, whatever. I’d rather have untoned legs and cute shoes than great legs and ugly shoes.  I mean, crocs are supposed to be the most comfortable thing you can put on your feet, but they’re damn ugly. The only thing I really like about them is that they contain Microwobbleboard™ technology. Microwobbleboard™! That is the real name for the technology! I knew engineers like to drink hard, but I didn’t think they’d be drinking when they named their inventions.  [Note to engineers: please use the word “wobble” more often.]

Anyway, the fit-flop has collaborated with Anna Sui (who seems to be collaborating with everyone these days. Maybe I should call her and we can have an Anna Sui-FPQT blog collab) and the result is…not as ugly as I feared.


I wouldn’t wear them (faux-moccasin is not my style), but I also wouldn’t make fun of you for wearing them.

(Oh, p.s. if you think I’m on crack and that these souliers are awesome, you can only buy them online from joints like Net-a-Porter. The flip flops and other styles of boots are available locally from Joanne David).

AllyG: ooh! I love those! Faux-moccasins are totally my style! I would for sure place those on the tootsies. However, I also love UGGs. Like, I still wear my UGGs and it’s no longer the year 2000.  How can I not? They are the most comfortable things ever.


Don’t get me wrong, they smell like shit, but they’re comfy. Do you know what I ESPECIALLY love? The UGG Cardy Boots. Do you know who else loves them? (Why am I talking to you people like I talk to BabyG? “Do you know whose mommy loves him? Hugh’s mommy! Do you want to puts your little onesie on! Yes you do! Yes you do!”) Kate Hudson!


I don’t know what’s up with the headscarf but I’m betting it’s movie set hair. You could totally rock those shoes with skinny jeans. Or skinny jean leggings for L-A!  I know how much she loves them.


Ow. Those are so ugly they hurt. Anyway, back to the boots…I believe you can buy those online here.

Speaking of KHud. She and the entire cast of Nine will be appearing on the Mighty Opes this Wednesday on November 18th. I’m totally tuning in for the following reasons:

  1. To play the Nicky Kidman botox drinking game. You take a shot each time Nicole tries to wrinkle her forehead, thus “proving” she does not live by the botox needle. What? I’m on maternity leave? A little sauce in the afternoon never hurt anyone. I KID, I KID!
  2. To see Kate Hudson pretend to be bashful when chatting about ARod. I saw a sneak peek today while watching Sarah Palin on Oprah. Kate totally does the “Oh you’re going go go THERE aren’t you!!” I barfed up my caramilk bar (leftovers from Halloween).
  3. J’taime Marion Cotillard. Check out her dress in the below photo. I know, right? I know.
  4. Oprah apparently fake flirts with Daniel Day-Lewis. Am I the only one to find him not le sexy? Great actor, but not le sexy.
  5. And, lastly, I will watch to see how many objects I throw at the screen while Pene Cruz is speaking. She drives me bonkers.

Here they are! Great gams on the Hud, non?


Trailor for the movie…

Like…Shut.Up.Fergie. I already have to look at your grill all over my People magazine this week. She’s totally out of her league with this movie. I mean, The Dench is in this movie. THE DENCH.

Sigh. Ally Out.

Sigh. It’s 2:12 people, go to 2:12. Are you watching Californication? You should be watching Californication.

Did I totally just bogart L-A’s post?


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