
I have a secret to tell you…

Maybe not a secret. A confession? That's not quite right either. But it's something I've been meaning to go public with for some time now, and just could never quite seem to do it. I don't really know why. At first, we only told a few dear friends and close family, feeling like we should wait until the first "scary" twelve weeks had passed. And then the twelve weeks came, and went, and still I kept the news close to home. I thought I'd feel like shouting it from the rooftops once we heard the heartbeat – real, proper proof at last! But still, I stayed quiet. Surely once the ultrasound was over? Surely then I'd tell everyone I met on the streets and blab it all over HRM Parent? That was two weeks ago. Close enough, I guess?

In case you need me to spell it out even more for you: I'm pregnant! Yay! 22 weeks with number 2. Richard, Alex and I are super, super excited. Richard and I are also somewhat terrified of going back to the insanity that comes with a baby. Poor innocent Alex hasn't a clue what's coming! But, oh, babies are just so deliciously cute, don't you think?

So yeah, that's my news. It's also my excuse for why HRM Parent has been somewhat neglected over the past few months. Uh, sorry about that. This pregnancy has been great so far, other than tiredness and insane hormonal mood swings (at least I have something to blame it on now!), but certainly HRM Parent has been put on the backburner these past months. Like, let's not even mention the activity calendar, OK? It's shameful. I'm sorry! I'm hoping to get it caught up for the fall and get the new Under 6 Planner up and running for then too.

OK, I'll stop babbling now and get to bed. This pregnant woman needs her rest! I mean really, how many times in one night can a person possibly need to pee?

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