Is your house loaded down with more chocolate than you know what to do with right now? Well unwrap the eggs, crack off the bunny ears and break up the chocolate chicks for some post-Easter melted chocolate fun. Combine your chocolate pieces, melt them down and enjoy some of these treats!
Chocolate Dipped Bananas: These yummy banana pops from Dinner, a Love Story will be a hit with the kids!

Chocolate Fondue: An ‘ol classic that’s always so good. For a healthier alternative you can always mix a little cooled melted chocolate into plain yoghurt for a tasty chocolate dip.

Chocolate Caramels: I’ve made these for many a girl’s night and dinner parties and they are always a hit. The little bit of salt on top is what makes them so irresistible.

Chocolate Covered Strawberries: We couldn’t talk about melted chocolate and not include these popular treats! Be sure to work quickly to dunk each strawberry in the melted chocolate then place on a wax paper lined cookie sheet. Refrigerate until chocolate hardens. YUM!
