
I miss my shoes

L-A: I know we whine about winter all the time. It’s what we do. Heck, it’s what everyone does. It’s like a national pastime or something…more than hockey.  I bet more of you complain about cold and snow than play or watch hockey.

It’s not the cold that’s really got me down today (although that isn’t helping). No, what’s got me down is my lack of shoe options.

It’s always snowy or slushy or salty outside and this is all I’ve been able to wear lately:

Not exactly the most stylish choices of footwear.  I mean, I love my practical boots on the days when I’m planning on wearing jeans, but what about on the days when I’ve got to dress up? Remember I mentioned I had interviews to go to? Well, neither of those pairs of boots exactly go with my dresses. I’ve got interview shoes. Cute shoes. Shoes that I love. Instead, the only thing I’ve got to wear with those dresses are these:

Cute enough, but not what I’m always in the mood to wear. Especially when they’re covered in salt by the time I get to where I’m going.  A friend pointed out that she does the lobby shoe change, but that means carrying my boots into an interview in a bag.  Not exactly the look I’m going for. Is the lobby change/bag-o-boots klassy with a K or totally acceptable? (oh how I long for an office with a desk to put shoes in!)

But even on the non-dress-up-interview days, I’m still tired of having only three pairs of shoes to choose from.  Even when I’m in a shoe rut and wearing the same pair all the time, at least it’s a choice.  That’s all I’m asking for. Which really means I’m asking for spring.

What was the groundhog’s verdict anyway? How many more weeks of boot-only weather do I have to endure? Because I just want to wear my cute shoes again.

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