
I need a Fitness Goal

I need a Fitness Goal

I’m having a really hard time getting motivated to train lately. It’s not that I’m not actually motivated to get in shape, be fit, be healthy and be happy, it’s because where I live (Yellowknife, NWT) we currently only have 2 hours of daylight a day and it’s SO cold here (averaging about -38 to -48 C with the windchill), so it’s hard to get and stay motivated.

It doesn’t help that I don’t like my gym that much because it’s very small and it doesn’t have the space in it for me to be doing any Crossfit, kettlebell or HIIT training, which is how I prefer to train, and I don’t have the space or the equipment to workout at home like that either.  I’ve started doing the Insanity DVDs, which are great, but a lot of the movements in it aggravate my existing and old injuries and plus I prefer to be lifting weights a couple times of week as well.  I know these all sound like excuses, but I assure you, they’re not! I just needed to vent more than anything and give myself a bitch-slap at the same time.

Recently I wrote about how I’m stepping up my game in the gym and how I wanted to see 4 of my 6 abs by my 31st birthday in March.  As much as I love this goal, saying “I want abs” isn’t enough to get me motivated, I need to set something with an end date and something to attain by that end date.  I’m still killing the burpee challenge, today is day 19 which means 34 burpees, but I think I need something else as a goal.  I’ve been wondering if I should start training for a run again? Last year I trained for 5 months for a 10K but didn’t get to run it due to a sprained ankle, so that’s still on my bucket list.  Should I aim for a new personal best bench press or squat? Maybe I’ll start swinging a kettlebell again and try to do a personal best consecutive “double-handed swings”. I’m not sure, but I need an end goal and I need it now.

The other thing that’s holding me back a bit is that I’m quite injured.  I bruised my tailbone playing football last week, which has also aggravated my hip injuries from my motorcycle accident, the knee I had surgery on has been bothering me for about two months and so have my shoulders.  Oh, and in case you didn’t know, I’m a walking sports injury.

Now, again. I know all of these sound like excuses but you know what the best part is, since writing my last post, I’m down 3 lbs and I can tell I’m down some inches as I’m now between belt loops (one my pants fall down, the other cut off the circulation to a very important area), I just feel that I need and want to push myself a bit more.  I know I can do this and I know I can take it to the next level.

What do you do to motivate yourself and what goals do you have set right now?


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