Yesterday I wrote a post called “Listen to your body; Know your limits” where I talked about giving yourself time to heal and to be healthy and not pushing yourself too hard before you’re ready when you’re training. After taking my own advice and being a good boy for two weeks and not playing sports or running, to allow myself to heal and be healthy, Saturday I completed my farthest run ever of 7.5k (without stopping, thank you). I was pretty proud of this because it’s only recently that I’ve actually taken my own advice about not pushing too hard when injured and actually allowing myself time to heal properly.
After feeling really good the past 4 days, I decided to jump back in to sports this week. Monday night I played volleyball and last night I had a basketball game and then got asked to play dodgeball immediately after (yes, there’s a dodgeball league here in Halifax!). Volleyball went well with no injuries and not much pain. Basketball was a gong show as I’m a terrible basketball player and who the hell knew you needed so much cardio to play that sport? And even though I got elbowed in the jaw pretty hard, I managed to walk away injury free. Dodgeball was a lot of fun and with about 10 minutes left I made a SportsCentre, Highlight of the Night Candidate catch but ended up jumping too far backwards, landing against the wall, rolling my right ankle severely… GIANT EFF WORD! I saw stars, no not Kobe, and couldn’t walk and was in an immense amount of pain and I had to stop playing.
After all of that time off and ironically writing the post about being healed yesterday, I’m so bleeping bleep bleep angry right now and beyond frustrated that this happened, you have no idea! Back to the DL (Disabled List) I go, not able to run AGAIN tonight with my Team Myles group and not able to play any sports for GOD knows how long.
Here’s hoping for a speedy recovery!