
I think I’ll go shopping now.

Ally: One of the most delightful days as a self-employed person is “invoice day”. While working for an organization, you can expect regular payments every two weeks, such is not life as a freelance consultant. I’m ok with this as “invoice day” is like Christmas when all of your invoices come tumbling in at once. Sure – I have to pay bills and something called the “mortgage” and then there is groceries which means lots of food for the little guy, office supplies and blah, blah, blah. But! There will be some allocated to hair maintenance and wardrobe maintenance.

I hope El Jeffe is not reading this.

It’s not like I’m buying Louboutins here (although I wish I was). Really all I want is a pair of black skinny jeans and a black tuxedo blazer!

Source (FabSugar gives an overview of this look that is way better than mine)

Yes, it’s a trend, but in fairness it’s been around for a while now. I particularly love what Olivia Wilde did on the red carpet.

Skinny jeans? I’m trying to figure out if I should go ahead and order jeans online without trying them on. I’m a bad online shopper…in that I never do it.


Forever 21,  Life In Progress™ Brushed Denim Skinny Jeans, $29.80. You know who else has black, skinny jeans?


If I had a reason to buy this dress, I totally would. Official Intern Eden found a Vera Wang wedding/prom/wash-your-dishes dress while out thrifting. She’s selling it online (for those crazy online shoppers!) at Ladyface Desirables. Here are some pics. VERA.WANG.

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