
I’m Becoming a Fitness Pro

I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this in any previous blog posts, but right now I’m in the middle of working towards my Personal Trainer’s certification (I know, right?!).

When I first started to think about getting my PT cert, I asked a lot of people that I know in the industry which certification I should go for and which certs were the best. The consensus was that even though the CanFit Pro certification is the most popular, people told me not to go through them (one guy said it’s the “Walmart of Personal Trainers Certs”) and that I should go through the NFLA (National Fitness Leadership Alliance) which is the Canadian Standard for Fitness Leadership and Certification. I took these friends advice and decided to go through the NSFA (Nova Scotia Fitness Assocaition) and get my Fitness Theory cert.

The Fitness Theory course is the pre-requisite course to all of the fitness certification courses and it’s the first course to complete in my becoming a fitness professional. Once I complete this course, I will be eligible to take the weight training, group training, yoga, or third age (seniors) courses and then move on to my Personal Trainer course, if I want to. I found all of this out in the second week of my 8 week Fitness Theory course, but instead of bailing on it and then doing the quick and easy CanFit Pro certification, I decided to go the long and painful way through the NSFA and do the 8 week Fitness Theory program, the Weight Training Certification and THEN the Personal Trainer Certification.

So far I’ve taken both the Fitness Theory course and the Weight Trainer course and I’ve got some bitching I want to do about the FT course and I want to talk about how much I enjoyed the WT course I took this past weekend, but I’ll leave those both for another post.

I write my exams in the next month and I’m a bit nervous because I haven’t really studied yet, so I’ve got to get my ass in gear and get this on the go. It’s all really exciting and I’ll keep you posted on how everything ends up for me.

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