I’m Going Dairy Free

This post is brutally honest and I’m going to be talking about farting and gas, so if you can’t handle it, close the browser window right now because I’m not going beat around the bush or sugar coat this and I’m just going to get this out in the open right now; I fart a lot.  I mean, a lot… and they are FOUL!! Like, I’ve cleared an outdoor picnic table in the middle of the forrest. Sexy, right? I’ve dealt with an irritable stomach since I was a kid.  I’ve always known dairy was the cause of it but never really thought much of it.  As long as I stayed away from ice cream, milk itself and anything that was heavy on the creamy-side, I was OK. Or what I considered to be “OK”. When I started working out a lot, I started taking whey protein, which is dairy based, post-workout and that’s when my gas and irritable stomach got much worse.  I was always uncomfortable, I had cramps, my stomach was constantly gurgling, I was always farting, and the easiest way to describe how i felt is to say that it felt like I had a hot bowl of oatmeal boiling over in my stomach, all the time. This is something I’ve dealt with all my life, but I’m realizing now that it is something that I don’t need to “deal with” or “suck up” as I’ve been brain washed or trained to do since childhood. I’ve been doing a lot of reading lately and there is a lot of scientific research that proves that we as adults shouldn’t consume dairy at all, so I’m removing dairy completely from my diet. No more cheese, I’m replacing my milk that I eat on cereal or in my coffee with soy milk, my whey protein is being switched out for a vegan protein called Vega Sport and I’m really hoping these changes in my lifestyle fixes a few things. There’s a chance that my stomach issues could be a slew of things, but cutting out dairy seems to be the most common answer I get when looking for answers and the easiest thing to do first.  I think even if it doesn’t fix all of my stomach issues, I may stick with it for a while and see how it affects my weight loss. I’ve been reading the Paleo Diet book and I’m thinking about taking on that lifestyle for a while to see how I fair out as well.  I’m not 100% sold on it yet and if you don’t know what the Paleo Diet is, stay tuned, I’ll be doing some posts about it soon enough and I’m going to guess it’ll be mostly me bitching about not having any carbs. I know there’s a lot of people who deal with similar issues, so I’m wondering, are you one of them? Have you made any changes to try and fix them? Have you been successful?...

I’m Going Dairy Free

This post is brutally honest and I’m going to be talking about farting and gas, so if you can’t handle it, close the browser window right now because I’m not going beat around the bush or sugar coat this and I’m just going to get this out in the open right now; I fart a lot.  I mean, a lot… and they are FOUL!! Like, I’ve cleared an outdoor picnic table in the middle of the forrest.

Sexy, right?

I’ve dealt with an irritable stomach since I was a kid.  I’ve always known dairy was the cause of it but never really thought much of it.  As long as I stayed away from ice cream, milk itself and anything that was heavy on the creamy-side, I was OK. Or what I considered to be “OK”.

When I started working out a lot, I started taking whey protein, which is dairy based, post-workout and that’s when my gas and irritable stomach got much worse.  I was always uncomfortable, I had cramps, my stomach was constantly gurgling, I was always farting, and the easiest way to describe how i felt is to say that it felt like I had a hot bowl of oatmeal boiling over in my stomach, all the time.

This is something I’ve dealt with all my life, but I’m realizing now that it is something that I don’t need to “deal with” or “suck up” as I’ve been brain washed or trained to do since childhood.

I’ve been doing a lot of reading lately and there is a lot of scientific research that proves that we as adults shouldn’t consume dairy at all, so I’m removing dairy completely from my diet. No more cheese, I’m replacing my milk that I eat on cereal or in my coffee with soy milk, my whey protein is being switched out for a vegan protein called Vega Sport and I’m really hoping these changes in my lifestyle fixes a few things.

There’s a chance that my stomach issues could be a slew of things, but cutting out dairy seems to be the most common answer I get when looking for answers and the easiest thing to do first.  I think even if it doesn’t fix all of my stomach issues, I may stick with it for a while and see how it affects my weight loss.

I’ve been reading the Paleo Diet book and I’m thinking about taking on that lifestyle for a while to see how I fair out as well.  I’m not 100% sold on it yet and if you don’t know what the Paleo Diet is, stay tuned, I’ll be doing some posts about it soon enough and I’m going to guess it’ll be mostly me bitching about not having any carbs.

I know there’s a lot of people who deal with similar issues, so I’m wondering, are you one of them? Have you made any changes to try and fix them? Have you been successful?

Source: http://www.yourinnerskinny.ca/im-going-dairy-free/

Paper Mill Lake park closure

Paper Mill Lake park closure

Time Well Spent: For Moms