
I’m still that chubby kid…

I go to the gym 4-6 times a week.  I play hockey.  I play volleyball.  I play softball. I eat really well and clean during the week.  I don’t usually drink beer or any alcohol on week nights.  This is my life Monday to Friday.  However, the weekends belong to me when it comes to my eating and drinking.  I workout hard and eat well during the week so that on the weekend I can treat myself and eat pretty much what I want and I have some drinks with my friends.  Sometimes it’s one or two drinks, sometimes it’s ten or twelve drinks; it just depends on what’s going on.

The reason I live like this, besides the fact that I like being active and going to the gym and eating healthy, is because I’m still a chubby kid and I have to be like this.

Growing up I was never a fat kid but I was always a bit chubby.  I was chubby up until the summer between 11th and 12th grade when I grew 9”…  Yeah, I was short and a bit chubby until the age of 17.

After my growth spurt I managed to keep the weight off by being athletically active and having mommy cook all of my meals for me (I don’t actually call her mommy).  As soon as I moved out and had to fend for myself… Well, just look at my “before” picture on this website, a little bit more than a “chubby kid”, I packed on 110lbs and became a “fat guy”.

While living in the UK and travelling around Europe we still hit the gym regularly but we weren’t worrying about what we were eating and with that I’ve seen some weight pack back on in my mid-section.  This has made me realize that I’m still that chubby kid that I was 20 years ago and that I still put on weight easily unless I pay attention to what I eat.  The only savior for me not coming home with about twenty-five extra pounds on me is the fact that we made sure that we were hitting the gym regularly because our diet sucked! Well, it didn’t “suck”… the food was actually amazing, but I’ll say it wasn’t healthy all the time.

The reason I’m sharing this with you all is because I want to make sure you don’t think that I have it easy when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle and keeping off that 100lbs that I lost.  Yes I play a lot of sports. Yes I go to the gym a lot. Yes I want to personal train as part of my profession.  But it’s also a daily struggle for me.  I love beer. I love pizza. I love bacon double cheeseburgers.  But I also love being healthy and I know that I can’t eat like this all the time if I want to be healthy.

I know I’m not alone in this daily struggle! But I also know there are some people out there who struggle daily and think they ARE alone because I use to be one of them.  With this post I just want to let you know or remind you that you aren’t alone in this struggle and there’s lots of support around to help you, me being one of them, but there’s much much more beyond me and my simple blog.

I know this may sound lame or cliché… But I’m here to help!

Ok, now after all of that sharing of feelings, I think I’m going to go cut down a tree with an axe and build something and then go wrestle a bear!

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