
Importance of Dental Care for Babies

If your baby seems drooly and fussy, they could be starting their teething process – an essential time to establish healthy oral habits!

Clean your baby’s gums before and after teeth appear with a soft washcloth or piece of gauze, being sure not to share pacifiers and other utensils as this could spread cavity-causing bacteria. Markham family dentists recommend that parents bring their children in for their first dentist visit by their first birthday and make sure they brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste as soon as the first tooth appears to ensure healthy gums and teeth.


Attaining early oral care for baby teeth will help ensure they don’t develop cavities and other dental issues later. Infants should be cleaned gently with a washcloth or gauze pad after every feeding and before bed, especially before sleeping. Once teeth appear, start brushing twice daily using a soft-bristled toothbrush with pea-sized dollop of fluoride toothpaste and ensure your child can spit and clear any excess out before going to bed, suggests Dr. Clemons.

Once every day, parents should floss their child with one strand of floss between every tooth until two of their own touch; at that point you should train them to floss themselves. Regular visits to the dentist should begin between age 1 or 6 months after first tooth eruption – such early habits will set them up for success when caring for adult teeth later on in life.


Once a baby’s first tooth appears, it’s wise to schedule their initial dental visit. This allows parents to learn more about what steps should be taken in order to keep teeth healthy for years.

Beginning early to floss toddler teeth is highly recommended to protect them against gum disease and cavities. Flossing removes food debris that brushes can’t reach, helping protect gum health and keep cavities at bay.

Parents can inspire their children to floss by modeling this behavior themselves and offering rewards like charts to track progress. Also helpful would be using kid-friendly floss tools, like picks or sticks that make flossing less of a burdensome chore for their young ones.

Routine Checkups

Establishing healthy dental habits early is important to minimizing discomfort for babies who are teething, and can save them from more extensive and costly treatments down the line. When children start brushing regularly and avoiding sugary foods at an early age, those habits will carry over into adulthood, helping ensure a lasting healthy smile for life.

Baby should visit a dentist as soon as their first tooth erupts or at age 1. During these visits, a dentist will check that their gums, mouth and jaw are growing and developing normally; should any dental, gum or jaw issues arise early enough, these issues can be treated quickly to reduce more serious long-term issues later on.

Regular visits will provide your baby’s teeth with an appropriate cleaning, and any necessary oral x-rays. Don’t forget the importance of providing children with access to fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy for optimal dental health at any age.

At-Home Care

Drool on your baby’s chin can be an indication that they’re teething, and while most parents focus on making this experience as comfortable for their infant, it is also essential to think about their dental health during this process. After all, their baby teeth don’t just serve as placeholders; they play an essential part in chewing, smiling and speaking clearly.

Parents should wipe their babies’ gums with a damp washcloth or piece of gauze after each feeding and when any teeth erupt to clear away bacteria and sugars that could lead to cavities. In addition, parents should brush both their baby’s teeth and gums twice each day with soft toothbrushes dipped in plain water for optimal oral care.

Children put to bed with bottles of milk or juice containing sugary liquids – including those dipped in honey – are at an increased risk for bottle tooth decay – where teeth become submerged in sugary substances while sleeping. Therefore, it’s wise to stop giving children bottles around age 1.

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