
Important notifications and the latest information about municipal efforts to address post-storm impacts of the severe weather event.

**** HRM Media Release

Hurricane Dorian
Important notifications and the latest information about municipal efforts to address post-storm impacts of the severe weather event.

Notifications & Service Updates
Date and Time of Update:
11:21 a.m., Sept. 13, 2019

A specialized mechanical sweeper has been leased and is now operational on municipal streets. This equipment has the capacity to deal with large debris that the current fleet equipment isn’t designed to handle. Across the municipality, significant clean-up efforts have been underway since Sunday. Debris and tree removal has ensured main arteries on the peninsula are passable with caution.

Members of the municipal urban forestry teams are busy identifying priority locations and crews, with support from contractors, are working to chip and remove downed trees, clean up debris, and replanting trees that can be saved.

For safety reasons, residents are advised to NOT attempt to assist with clearing downed trees in the municipal right-of-way. Those trees will be handled by professional crews. However, residents are responsible for tree maintenance on their own properties.

On Monday evening, an evacuation order was issued for occupants of several properties near South Park Street. This was necessary to protect the safety of residents living near a construction crane that collapsed during Hurricane Dorian.

Comfort Centres and Water Distribution Sites
Three comfort centres are operating today: Mulgrave Park Caring and Learning Centre (open 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.), Moser River Community Hall (8am-6 p.m.), and the Sheet Harbour Legion (5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.). The emergency shelter at the Canada Games Centre, that was offering overnight accommodations, is closed. Unlike emergency shelters, comfort centres are intended as a short-term resource and do not offer overnight accommodations. The status of comfort centres will be assessed and updated on an ongoing basis.

Water distribution sites for those affected by water shortages (no power results in no ability to pull water from private wells) have been set up at the Chezzetcook Fire Station (Station 23) and Herring Cove Fire Station (Station 60), Sheet Harbour (Station 28), from 7:30am-530pm..

Parks & Recreation
All sports fields, artificial turf fields and ball diamonds have reopened. Many municipal parks have reopened, with the notable exception of Point Pleasant Park, the Halifax Public Gardens, Victoria Park and Camp Hill where considerable restoration work is required. These were some of the hardest hit parks which sustained extensive tree damage as a result of strong winds. The public can help with the clean-up effort by NOT entering Point Pleasant Park. Given its size and multiple access points, it may appear that there was no damage to the park, however there are a number of areas which are unsafe with downed trees. It is important that the public stay out of Point Pleasant Park until future notice. This will allow crews to finish their work more quickly and open the park sooner.
Solid Waste Collection
Regularly scheduled collection for Monday, Sept. 9 was cancelled for those residents who live on the Halifax peninsula only. Collection for these residents will occur Monday (Sept. 16), and will include a full collection of garbage, organics, and recycling. Due to the skipped pick-up date, residents can put double the number of garbage bags at the curb as normal.

It is the responsibility of residents to manage tree waste from their private property. The municipality has increased its limit from five to a maximum of 10 bundles of branches that can be tied in armload-sized bundles for curbside collection. Residents are limited to 10 bundles as the composting facilities are nearing capacity due to increased tree waste and food waste due to spoilage. This weekly curbside service is free of charge and has been extended until at least Sept. 30
For residents whose green bins are at capacity, collection bins have been set up at Miller Compost at 80 Gloria McCluskey Avenue in Dartmouth and Ragged Lake Compost at 61 Evergreen Place in Halifax for disposal of de-packaged spoiled fridge or freezer food waste. These facilities are open Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Residents are also reminded that weekly green bin collection will continue until Sept. 30

We request that no bundle of branches exceed 75 lb (34 kg) and no individual piece be more than 4 feet long (1.2 m) or larger than 8 inches (0.2m) in diameter. This size limitation is due to what can fit in the collection vehicle and what can be processed by the equipment at the composting facilities. Any materials larger than this can be delivered to construction and demolition locations at Halifax C&D Recycling Ltd. (16 Mills Dr. in Goodwood, or 188 Ross Rd. in Westphal). Note: A fee is charged by these private service providers

Due to federal regulations, the movement of ash materials, including logs, branches and wood chips, and all species of firewood from the municipality is restricted to reduce the spread of Emerald Ash Borer (EAB). If you need to move these materials out of EAB regulated areas (the municipality), please contact your local CFIA office to request written authorization.
Residents are also asked to reduce the potential spread of EAB within the municipality by leaving debris curbside in armload-sized bundles, or by taking it to a C&D recycling facility. The movement of debris from one property to another should be avoided. This includes, but is not limited to ash materials.

Targeted Street Restrictions
Targeted street restrictions – ranging from street closures and parking bans to traffic control at select locations – will be enforced in peninsular Halifax beginning Thursday, Sept. 12. These restrictions are necessary to facilitate tree removal operations in the area

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