
in the kitchen: perfect “hard-boiled” eggs in the oven (I make 24 at a time!)

I have no idea how I knew nothing of it until recently – I never heard about it growing up, never heard other moms talking about it, and it didn’t even come up when we all had a chat about egg freshness and the perfect hard-boiled egg. Come to think of it the food network didn’t mention it either back when I used to watch it all.the.time.! I’m not even sure how I came across it – I likely clicked from one page to another to another trying to figure how to hard-boil eggs the right way.

in the kitchen: perfect “hard-boiled” eggs in the oven (I make 24 at a time!)

Seriously, mamas – this is a game changer.

A time saver.

It’s truly amazing.

If you haven’t already heard about this method to creating the perfect “hard boiled” egg, you might be surprised to hear how it’s done AND how easily the eggs peel from their shell every single time.

– a muffin tin or casserole dish

– your oven

– ice water

Place as many eggs as you’d like to cook in either a casserole dish (laying on their side is fine) or use a muffin tin. I typically cook (bake?) 18-24 eggs at a time so they’re done for the week. But they never last that long!

Don’t add anything to them – just place your dish or muffin tin in a preheated 325 degrees oven for 30 minutes. They’ll come out with brown speckles all over them — it’s apparently normal. Immediately place the cooked eggs in an ice water bath (I usually leave them for about 20 minutes – see 1st picture), then peel and store in a covered container in the fridge!

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