Info to overschedule your kids with (aka fun programs for kids!)

Here's a real mix of classes open for registration now, some for March Break, some not. I feel a bit strange posting this just after my confession on overscheduling kids yesterday, but what can I do? I present the information, you do with it what you will. 🙂 Have fun!

  • Calling all 3-5 year olds! Come join the Ivy School of Music every week as they dance, sing, create and learn new things with music and friends! Music, Play…Hooray is the perfect group atmosphere to promote creativity through imagination and crafts, musicality through singing and rhythms, and interaction through our circle of friends. Each weekly session is 40 minutes long. Cost: $60 for 6 weeks (includes all-day admission at Aplaydia). These 6-week sessions start the week of February 15th and run every Monday or Tuesday (no program during March Break -March 15-19) at 10am. Please call 444-7529 or email the school ( to register. Drop-ins are welcome but the program is cheaper if you pre-register.
  • WeeHands with Becky is holding a free workshop for parents on how to start signing with your baby on Wednesday, March 3 from 4-4:40pm at Aplaydia in Bedford. Hear about the benefits of signing, learn some strategies for signing and then sing and sign with your wee one! Pre-registration is required. Please send a short email to Becky ( to register. Receive a complimentary toddler pass to Aplaydia from 3-6pm on this day.
  • Journey to Wellness will be running a 10-week mom and baby fitness class at Sharkey's in Bedford starting on February 11th. Class is at 9:30-10:30am and costs $100. Babies age six weeks to 12 months. Registration is required. Forms can be picked up at Sharkey's or by e-mailing For more information, please call Deborah at 222-1353.
  • Is your child riding safely in the car? Have your car seat installation checked and get advice from a Child Restraint Systems Technician. Hosted by Child Safety Link and St John Ambulance. Cash donations for relief work in Haiti will be gratefully accepted. Sunday, February 7th at the Bedford Fire Station. Appointments are avaliable between 2:30pm and 5pm. Pre-register by calling Kim Mundle on 470-7324.
  • Aplaydia and Ivy School of Music are offering March Break programs for kids 4-8 years. Music & Imagination Creations is for the younger set, 4-5 years, and runs every day during March Break (March 15-19) in the morning from 9am-noon. The camp incorporates music through theatre, games and songs, along with craft-making. For the older kids, 6-8 years, there is Musical Theatre, where students will learn Broadway classes and other musical hits and create stage props. This camp runs every afternoon during March Break from 1-4pm. Both camps include a small performance at the end of the week for friends and family and cost $89. For more information or to register call 444-7529.
  • Pier 21 is offering camps during March Break for kids ages 5 to 12. Kids will earn about how climate change is impacting countries all around the world by participating in green-themed games, activities and create crafts that explore the southern tropics, desert plains, polar ice caps and more. Half-day and full-day options are available. Half-days are from 9am to noon or 1pm to 4pm and cost $15. Full days are from 9am to 4pm and cost $30 or $140 for the whole week. Early drop-off/late pick-up (8am-5pm) is also available for an extra $5 per day. Contact Elisabeth Tower by email at or call 425-7770 ext. 243 to register.

Have any information on classes and programs to add? Email or leave a comment below with details!

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