
Insert Motivational Quote Here.

Ally: For me, September is the “new year”. I don’t get why we make resolutions in January, September is a much better time to start fresh. This is the month where I buy new “school supplies”, i.e. items for my home office and sign up for fitness classes that I will invariably cease attending shortly thereafter.

I’ve tried yoga before, but it’s like giving birth I think. You forgot how much you hate it because you so want the result. Every year, I believe that if I take up yoga, I will wake up as Gwyneth Paltrow. Who knows? Maybe Gwyn and Beyonce will take me on their next yoga holiday.

If I’m being honest, part of the allure is how chic you look marching around carrying your yoga mat.

Insert Motivational Quote Here.


Never mind that the only people seeing me carrying my yoga mat will be my neighbours one of which often yells out his door, “YOU have a FASHION blog?” when I walk by in my Nike running shorts that I purchased at Frenchy’s. This leads me to my dilemma: What to wear to yoga without looking like I’m trying too hard (cause I am, I’m trying REALLY hard).

Tonight I’ll be wearing the Canadian yoga must-have, Lululemon. The pants feel a bit more snug than they did last year. My husband must have shrunk them in the wash. If I were to pick up another piece from Lulu it would be this amazing turbo tank.


I have tons of baggy tanks that I purchased at Old Navy and Joe Fresh that are really breathable. My favourite workout look, despite being old, is a colourful sports bra underneath a tank. I found this on Pinterest (follow my boards! I’m awesome!).

The other day, L-A referenced Free People in her country music post; this led to an evening of me pouring over the site and coming to the conclusion that this sports bra might meet my objective.


I’ve also delightfully discovered Zella workout wear in my Internet travels. Did you know that you can order from Nordstrom online? True story, says this “fashion blogger”!


These are Zella “Run” colour block tights, so not really yoga pants. They could still work?

I’m interested in what y’all wear when you’re  yoga-ing. Please share. In the meantime, I’m sure I’ll master this by next week:


If I start talking like this, take away my yoga mat.

L-A: Yoga I love and get. I’ve got a pair of the Lulu pants and a fancy no slip mat. My trouble is what to wear on top – because I need to keep the girls in check and I don’t want my shirt riding up. I’ve mostly figured this out…I think. I’m not sure because I’m cheap. I haven’t been to yoga in ages because I don’t want to pay for classes. So in an attempt to be healthy, I’ve taken up the “free” workout: running.

Note to self: that shit ain’t cheap.

The running itself is free, but buying all of my excuses wasn’t. First it was the new shoes.

I don’t want to tell you how much I spent on these guys. But I was properly fitted for them. Hurray?


Then it was pants that wouldn’t fall down while I ran, but didn’t look like I had to squeeze into them. (I can’t get a screenshot – but it’s these and they are thus far delightful). Then it was new t-shirts that don’t ride up (my Nike t-shirt has been a gem for this – it’s long enough/loose enough to cover things, it doesn’t ride up and it does things t-shirts are supposed to do). Then it was the thing to hold my iPhone while I run.

Not free at all.

And honestly, all I really wanted was to look cute while running. Like this:

Her sneakers are so cute! Her outfit is so cute! And me? I’m the one who wants to puke on the neighbours lawn mid-run. (Fortunately, this hasn’t happened yet).

I did ask for the cuter sneakers, but they were all, “blah blah cushioning blah blah something running related blah blah” and I just wanted to reply with, “but they’re pink!”.

The other thing I want while running? Tom Hardy to narrate my run.

I would feel so much better if Tom Hardy kept telling me how great I am.  But this isn’t exactly fashion related.


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