
Inspired by: Virgin Suicides?

L-A: So, Ally didn’t exactly kill me, but she didn’t love that I compared Dorothy Zbornak’s wardrobe to that of Winter Kate. I was a bit of a bad friend, but… meh. Call ‘em like I see ‘em. I also like typing the name Zbornak. And saying it. Try it, it’s fun. Zbornak.

Anythewho, last week I caught the end of the cardboard Marc Jacobs show (online. I was not so lucky to actually be in NYC for fashion week) and I was left feeling kind of underwhelmed. Was it all the cardboard? Was it the colours that would wash me out in an instant? (I have trouble liking things when I know they’ll make me look drab and pale…paler than usual, that is). I have no idea what it was, but I wasn’t instantly frothing at the mouth with excitement.

But other people seemed to like it, so I went back for a second look. I’m not dying for it, but I don’t hate it. And the feeling that stuck with me when I saw the show (online) and when I was looking at the pictures (online) was this: hey! that’s kind of Virgin Suicides-ish. Which I kind of love. Because I loved both that book and the movie. So let’s take a look. Either I’m a genius or I’m on crack. You get to decide.

Lisbon sisters at school:


Okay, not a great picture to go by…but the internet wasn’t playing fair. I couldn’t get a decent still shot from the movie to save my life because it’s all that same picture of Kirsten Dunst lying in a field. And I couldn’t stay up all night googling this. But you get it. Catholic school girls in the 70s. Now let’s look at some Marc Jacobs (all MJ pics from

I’m not saying it’s exactly the same. Or that the whole collection was Virgin Suicidesy, just some pieces had the feeling. And since I don’t have the training or the language to back up this thesis, I’m going with my gut on this one. Let’s see some more from the movie (and I so wish I could find pictures from the party scene, but I cannot, so you’ll have to make do with this one):


Now, let’s look at these dresses from Marc Jacobs. And think about the girl in the lacy dress (or the party scene, if you recall the movie):

And finally, the Lisbon girls at the prom (oh, and maybe a bit of Lux Lisbon in her nightgown…then again, a lot of the 70s looked like people were wearing nightgowns to me):


So…are you feeling it? Or is it just me? It’s okay if you think I’m crazy, because either way I still thought of a movie/book I loved and it’s got me listening to the awesome soundtrack again.

AllyG: It’s true, I’m still miffed at L-A for ripping Nicole a new one. I’m late to the part on this post and it’s now 7:37am and I just finished putting BabyG now for his first nap. That’s right. I’ve been up for ages! So, I won’t hold the post up. Before jetting to make sweet love to the coffee maker, I will add these two things:

1. I love this movie so hard. The part where Kristen Dunst returns home in a cab after spending the night out on the football field? Where she is staring out the window biting anxiously on her tiara. One of the best moments in film. Seriously. Rips my heart out every time.

2. Have you read Middlesex by the author of the Virgin Suicides, Jeffrey Eugenides? You need to. Immediately.

Now down to the coffee maker. No need to get dressed first. It likes me just the way I am.

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