Instagram Wants the Rights to Your Photos

Instagram Wants the Rights to Your Photos

Yesterday Instagram came out with a new Terms of Service, most of us thought nothing of it, we are used to online properties reviewing their terms of service. But then we noticed this line:

“To help us deliver interesting paid or sponsored content or promotions, you agree that a business may pay us to display your username, likeness, photos, in connection with paid or sponsored content or promotions, without any compensation to you,” it said in its terms of use.”

So they want the rights to your photos, and if they use them you have no recourse, and you can not opt out. Kind of fishy right?

We are used to cookies, and tracking and market research and data mining, but to say we have to give free creative license over what we created, well as my daughter would say is beyond belief. To say you can sell what I created, what I shared with a few hundred friends, and do anything you want with it, and earn money doing so for me crosses a line.

I had often posted photos on Instagram of my daughter. No more.

For me I am rethinking my use of Instagram and I know many others who will as well.

What about you?




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