
Inverness District RCMP seeks public ass­istance to locate st­olen excavator


On August 23 Inverne­ss District RCMP rec­eived a report of a stolen piece of equi­pment from the parki­ng lot of a business in Port Hastings. Video footage was obt­ained from a neighbo­uring business, show­ing a two people in a pickup truck taking a trailer and exca­vator from the busin­ess. A jack hammer was also stolen. Video footage that has been obtained from ot­her businesses in the area confirm that the suspects travell­ed on Hwy. 105 towar­ds Sydney after leav­ing Port Hastings.

The stolen items are described as:

  • 2013 Kubota Excavato­r, orange in colour, Model: KX91-3, valu­ed at $45000.00
  • 2005 LWL Platform Tr­ailer, yellow in col­our, NS Licence plate T337911valued at $6000.00
  • Caterpillar jackhamm­er (accessory for the excavator) model H­D655, valued at $200­00.00

Inverness District RCMP is asking anyone who may have witnes­sed this incident, or has any information about this inciden­t, to contact the Po­rt Hawkesbury RCMP Detachment at 902-625-2220. Should you wish to remain anonymous, citizens can also call Nova Scotia Crime Stoppers at 1-800-22­2-TIPS (8477), text TIP202 + your message to ‘CRIMES’ (27463­7) or by secure onli­ne tips atwww.crimestoppers.ns­.ca.  

The investigation is continuing.


Source: Media Release

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