Investments at a Glance: New summer educational series

Visit Before You Invest over the following ten weeks for our summer Investments at Glance guide. With the help of the Canadian Securities Administrators, we have written this series to tell you about different kinds of investments and some things to keep in mind when you’re considering an investment. The aim is to help investors learn more about their investment options.

We will look at investment classes, including cash, fixed income, equities and alternative investments, and take a closer look at some of the more common types of investments you might encounter.

Before you invest, make sure you understand how an investment works, including any fees, and whether it fits with your goals and risk tolerance. With investing, the higher the potential return, the higher the risk. There’s no such thing as a high return, risk-free investment. If you want higher returns, you have to be prepared to accept the risks that go along with them.

Income tax is another important consideration. Interest, dividends and capital gains are all treated differently for tax purposes and that will affect your return from an investment. A registered adviser can help you assess your financial needs, goals and tax situation. An adviser can also help you build a portfolio and recommend suitable investments for you.

Whether you have an adviser or invest on your own, don’t invest in anything that you don’t fully understand. Take your time when making investment decisions and never sign documents you have not read carefully.

Happy (early) Birthday Ally!

HRSB Board Meeting June 23 2010