
Investments in Neptune Theatres Future

Support from provincial and federal governments will allow Neptune Theatre to begin renovations this spring, expanding operations and providing support to community and cultural organizations.

Premier Stephen McNeil announced the funding today, March 16, at Neptune Theatre in Halifax, along with Heritage Minister Mélanie Joly.

“With an enduring mission to inspire audiences with great stories, Neptune Theatre is now celebrating its 53rd season,” said Premier McNeil. “The theatre is part of our cultural fabric in Nova Scotia, and I wish them many more years of success.”

In addition to government’s operating contribution to Neptune Theatre of $7 million over the past 20 years, Premier McNeil announced an additional $100,000 investment to support Neptune’s renewal.

The federal government will contribute $945,138 over two years, to Neptune Theatre. The funding will allow the organization to renovate its performance spaces with improved lighting, sound and lift capabilities. Improvements to public spaces will help it continue to attract audiences and support ongoing fundraising work. Other community theatres and cultural organizations that share Neptune’s performance, rehearsal and studio space will also benefit from the funding.

“The Government of Canada is proud to partner with organizations that strive to improve the quality of life in communities, while also creating jobs and encouraging tourism,” said Canadian Heritage Minister Mélanie Joly. “The investments announced today will enable Neptune Theatre to continue their great work in promoting the arts and culture.”

Contributing more than $7 million and more than 400 jobs to the economy each year, Neptune plays an important role as a cultural industry and a downtown attraction. As revitalization of the downtown core continues, this investment in cultural facilities ensures that culture keeps pace.

“Neptune Theatre is extremely pleased with the generous contribution of the province and the Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage for Neptune’s revitalization project,” said Neptune President Rebecca Hiltz LeBlanc. “Their continued partnership and support for Neptune recognizes our commitment to providing an important piece of cultural infrastructure to the region and to Nova Scotia.”

Neptune Theatre has brought a high quality of live performance and entertainment to Halifax for nearly six decades. Its travelling performances have been part of the education of students across the province for nearly four decades. Its theatre school has helped train young performers to achieve professional standards in their craft.

Source: Release

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