
It’s Monday and I’m Feeling Floral

Ally: Hello, friends! Sorry I’ve been absent on the blog-front for the past week. Had a large work week and then worked from my parents’ place in Digby County for the weekend. Was nice to sip on some cold white goodness and relax a bit.

To be honest, had I have posted last week you would have gotten a whole lot of crap. I haven’t been up on the fashion file in weeks due to packed days at work. So, being able to kick back with my favourite fashion magazines this past week brought some much needed inspiration.

When reading the July issue of In Style (I know, I’m ridiculously behind on my reading), I spotted the most beautiful floral dress from D&G.


I’ve always loved the idea  of  a maxi dress, but they bring terrifying memories of Pregnant Summer 2009. This one is so romantic and beautiful. Not sure where I would pull it off in the bustling streets of Bedford, but I’m sure I’d find a way.

I’m also really into the new t-shirt line from The Row.


If I had millions of dollars, I certainly would purchase one of these tees to don while eating bon bons and sipping mimosas. Cause that’s what I figure rich people do on a Tuesday. You know, in their t-shirts.

It would be a summer post, and I wouldn’t be me, if I didn’t mention that Big Brother is back on TV. Yes, the show you love to hate (or the show you don’t watch because you actually have a life). I’m obsessed. I’ve been a dedicated watcher since the first season when I was living in Jasper, AB. Can I just say that I’m actually backing Rachel thus far into the season? For those of you who care.


I KNOW, right? Is that a mesh yellow bra? Let’s hope so! She’s a train wreck and I love her.

I’ll be back for Wednesday and Friday’s post, then heading out for two weeks of vacation/working vacation back down in Digby County. Expect a Frenchy’s Post when I return. We’ll be looking for guest bloggers while I’m gone if anyone is interested. Specifically interested in someone who can carry the trashtastic aspect of the blog as L-A has far too much klass for the crappy pop videos of the week. Speaking of, I know I left you hanging on Friday, so here’s one to start off your Monday. You missed me, right?

L-A: I’m not sure I’m all that klassy, but I certainly don’t have the skillz to find such craptastic videos. I mean, is she swimming in Pepto Bismol? And more importantly, why? I have seen friends try to gag down the pepto and it is not pretty. You do not want to swim in that stuff, even if it is for a music video. (I’m so bothered by the pool of pepto that I’m ignoring the fact that she dances with her shorts undone).

I recently tried on some florals…this is a big deal since the nautical stripes may or may not be getting out of hand. I’m still not convinced floral patterns are for me, but I am willing to be convinced with the right top. A floral dress would be too much to start with. Except this. I’m pretty sure I could do this in a heartbeat:

this dress would totally match my bike.

source (Anthropologie…of course)

Part of my problem with florals is the nautical thing – I just end up with a change room full of stripes. I think if I do manage a floral, it’s going to have to be the bigger, bolder variety. For some reason, they strike me as less scary than a smaller floral print. Possibly I’m just weird about prints.

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