
I’ve been officially Mattified

Matt Mays at the Banook Canoe Club

Matt Mays at the Banook Canoe Club


I have been officially Mattified.

After many years of saying, I’m not really a Matt Mays fan and not going to shows, even though all my friends go nuts for Matt and go to all his shows and some are even quite good friends with him, he finally won me over.

Went to Matt’s show at the Banook Canoe Club about a week ago and of course it was a fantastic rock show, but that wasn’t what did it. His band was super tight. The vocal harmonies between Matt and his keyboard player were wicked. Dale was amazing on pedal steel. All the guys were smoking. But that wasn’t it.

When the band exited the stage and Matt did a solo song and I could actually hear him sing clearly for the first time I was blown away because he has a great voice. I just needed his singing to be showcased solo to figure it out I guess. Well and the song was beautiful too.

And after the fourth time I said to my friends, no that’s my favorite Matt Mays song I realized that I have actually been a fan for many years and was just reluctant to admit it for song inexplicable reason I have no excuse for.

And I must say, ten people playing ukulele at the same time with Matt Mays is way cool.

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