

I adore wearing fragrances. I almost never leave the house without wearing something. My fragrance collection seems to keep growing and growing by the day, as I feel there are different fragrances for different occasions. There’s something about hoping out of the shower, and applying a beautiful fragrance that really sets the tone for the day.
Sometimes I wonder if it’s a rebellious thing that I love fragrances so much. My mum is highly allergic, so I couldn’t wear them until I moved out on my own. And while I’m very sympathetic and sensitive to people’s allergies I do enjoy wearing just a little behind my ears, and on my wrists. 
I hardly notice the smell, but people are always telling me I smell nice (always good to hear right?). Now it’s not because I dose myself in the stuff, but probably more so because I’m always hugging people (I’m definitely one of those).
With Juicy Couture being one of the sponsors for fashion week in Toronto I’ve become very familiar with their collection, and to be honest I haven’t met one I didn’t like or want to add to my collection. And it shouldn’t come as a surprise that my favorite, and most routine fragrance is Viva La Juicy which in the description suggests that the girl who ‘never turns down a glass of champagne or the chance to get into the tiniest bit of trouble‘ (sounds about right).

While I love each of their fragrances I also realize that scents can almost be a form of identity. I’m sure if anyone took a whiff of Viva La Juicy, and they spent any extended period of time around me they would probably come to associate the fragrance with me. If you’re in the market here are some descriptions of their collection to help you choose the best one for you, or the occasion, or loved one.

The new fragrance from Viva la Juicy. Bold. Sensual. Arresting. An enticing rendition of the original best-selling fragrance, Viva la Juicy Noir embodies the woman who is dangerous in a good way. She likes her eyes smoky and her lips rouge. Unapologetic, she takes risks and gets rewarded. A rich interpretation of the signature Viva la Juicy scent, Viva la Juicy Noir highlights the succulent ripe berry notes and gourmand accents, while adding a juicy touch of honeysuckle and a sultry hint of sandalwood. Viva la Juicy Noir leave a lasting impression.
Couture Overdose. She is couture all the way. Spinning an addictive web of glamour and decadence at the center of her golden world. For her, all that glitters is gold. Her fragrance, Viva la Juicy Gold Couture. A decadent rendition of Viva la Juicy that indulges the senses with luscious wild berries, a kiss of honeysuckle and a luxurious elixir of golden amber, melted caramel, and vanilla. 

The Viva la Juicy girl never turns down a glass of champagne or the chance to get into the tiniest bit of trouble. Viva la Juicy combines delicious wild berries, with creamy vanilla and bright jasmine. Unfortunately products deemed unsafe to travel by air are unable to be expedited.
If you’re in the market for a new fragrance, or you’re thinking about purchasing one for a friend or loved one I would 100% encourage you to check out this collection. It’s feminine and flirty, and definitely easy on the nose!
Hope you enjoyed this review! Be sure to check us out on instagram @shortpresents we’re giving away one of these fragrances!


Short Presents

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