Borrowed Time: The sad reality that, more often than not, it is the people around you who are really in charge of your schedule. Therefore, if you want any time for yourself – to go to the gym, say, or spend your lunch hour at your desk shopping online – you need to “borrow” the time from someone who thinks they have a more important claim to it (p. 28).
Delusions of SAHM grandeur: The phenomenon by which a working mom will actually believe that just because she is at home for a few days with the kids, it means she will be as talented/capable/patient/sane as her full-time-stay-at-home-mom friends (p. 52).
I expected funny but I was impressed by Van Ogtrop’s penetrating observations on family life. It’s one of the few memoirs of motherhood that has changed my perspective on the experience. The book has helped me (mostly) come to terms with the emotional sacrifices made by those moms who head to the office, (or, in my case, the library), each day.
Kristin van Ogtrop is a wonderful storyteller with a quick and cutting wit. She succeeds in balancing humour with insight where others in the parenting humour genre – like Stephanie Wilder-Taylor – stumble. New parents and veterans alike should all find something to enjoy in this book.
Thanks, Mom!