
Kejimkujik Seaside Park Closures for Visitor and Wildlife Safety


Kejimkujik Seaside

Park Closures for Visitor and Wildlife Safety

(The closure is at Kejimkujik Seaside.

Human and wildlife safety is of the utmost importance to Parks Canada. Parks Canada takes action to promote coexistence between people and wildlife, to ensure the well-being and safety of both.

Parks Canada is implementing closures over the next few days at Kejimkujik National Park Seaside due to increased black bear activity in the St. Catherine’s area. Safety measures will remain in place until bears move away from the shoreline as food becomes more plentiful in the woods.

The safety and risk factors are carefully considered when making decisions to temporarily close a park/trail. To protect visitors and wildlife, the following restrictions are in place by order of the Superintendent:

Visitation at Kejimkujik Seaside
Date Hours Required Guidelines for a Safe Visit Please Note
Friday, June 28 OPEN:
9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
*Park is CLOSEDfrom 5 p.m. to 9 a.m.*
*Minimum 3 people*
Anyone entering the park on foot must travel in groups of 3 or more.*No pets*
Leave domestic pets at home. They are not permitted on the trail because they can be an attractant as well as a distraction.

*Use noise-makers (whistles or bells)*
Helps reduce the risk of these black bears becoming habituated to the presence of humans.

*No interaction and give bears space*
Safety before selfies – keep wildlife out of the picture.
*Carry bear spray* (suggested)

Ensure it is accessible and know how to use it.

*Stay Alert*

Be aware of your surroundings.

No staff on sitewhile
Park is closed
from 5 p.m. to 9 a.m.
June 29
CLOSED No visits permitted.
June 30
CLOSED No visits permitted.
Monday, July 1 CLOSED No visits permitted.
Tuesday, July 2 To Be Determined (TBD) TBD – Access will be re-assessed at the beginning of the week.

The black bear population at Kejimkujik Seaside is healthy, thanks to the largely undisturbed habitat and abundant food supply. The increased activity being observed is not unusual.

By reducing the potential of bear-human encounters through the guidelines and closures, Parks Canada is encouraging natural black bear behaviour and reducing the likelihood of risky behaviour which can happen when bears become habituated to humans.

If a visitor encounters a black bear at Kejimkujik Seaside they are advised to:

  1. Face the animal
  2. Make noise
  3. Raise arms to make yourself look bigger
  4. Back off slowly
  5. Report the incident to the Parks Canada Duty Officer at 902-682-2598

Parks Canada appreciates the cooperation of visitors, local residents, and community members. By respecting these guidelines, we all contribute towards coexisting with the wildlife and protecting the diverse species that make this place so special.

Parks Canada will continue to monitor the situation and communicate on changes to site access as they are determined.

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