
Kelly Regan’s January newsletter

Dear Friends:

I hope your January hasn’t been too cold (or wet, for that matter) thus far. I wanted to bring a couple of issues to your attention. Many (but not all) are school related –

School Boundary Review Meeting Rescheduled (happened on January 26)

The Halifax Regional School Board has been conducting a school boundary review of some of the areas in the Charles P. Allen family of schools.

HRSB presented its interim report to the community at a meeting on Thursday, January 26, 2012 at Basinview Drive Community School, 273 Basinview Drive, Bedford. (This meeting replaced an earlier meeting cancelled due to bad weather on January 12).

School boundary reviews are conducted by local school boards and not the provincial government. Nonetheless, I feel it’s important for me to publicize this meeting; upcoming decisions by the board may well impact families in your neighbourhood. (For more information on the boundary changes, check out

I heard from many parents who were understandably frustrated by the lack of notice for the original meeting. I did call on the school board to give more notice (; even though I knew that currently board policy only requires six days notice (–school-board-notice-too-short-mla ). I think the policy is inadequate and should be changed.

If you were unable to attend the meeting, you can make a written submission to the Board by sending it to

New Bedford High School Progress

Last week, I met with officials from the Department of Education (DoE) and Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal (TIR) about the replacement high school for Charles P. Allen (CPA). I was pleased to bring a number of issues to the departments’ attention and felt the community’s concerns were being addressed – for the most part.

The same day as our meeting, tenders closed for the construction phase of the project. (The foundation has already been installed and the tender is expected to be awarded within days.) The DoE and TIR officials say the school is still on target to open in September 2013.

At that time, students from Bedford Junior High School will move to the current CPA site (according to the above boundary review process). When I asked whether the old CPA would be renovated before the junior high moved in, we were told HRSB has made no request for funds for that project. (To be fair, DoE hasn’t asked for a list of proposed capital projects, either.)

I want to thank members of the School Steering Team for all the time they’ve devoted to this project. They’ve been very diligent addressing many areas of concern.

Community Connect: How to Make a Budget and Stick to It!

Many thanks go out to Jennifer Cleator and Tamara Kelly of Credit Counselling Services Atlantic for presenting at my latest Community Connect on January 19th.

Everyone who attended came away with some valuable tools (like an 8-week financial plan) and tips for keeping ourselves on budget. For example: if you know you have big bill coming up – like a mid-winter NS Power bill – pay online in advance of the bill being issued. That way, when the bill does arrive, it’s already partly paid. Or if you know you usually spend a certain amount on groceries, purchase that amount in grocery store gift cards. That way you know the money will go to groceries (a need) and not a luxury item (a want). For more information, contact

As always, please contact my office at 407-3777 or with your questions or concerns.


CPA International Baccalaureate Information Evening

Charles P. Allen High School will host an information session for parents of Grade 9 students considering the Pre-International Baccalaureate Program. The IB program is open to eligible students in Grades 11 and 12. The information sessions will take place at CPA on Monday, January 30, 2012 at 6:00pm and again at 7:30pm.

Halifax West High Info Session for Parents of Students entering Grade 10 in September

If your child will start grade 10 this fall at Halifax West High School, there is an information session for you at the Bella Rose Theatre at Halifax West on Monday, February 6th beginning at 7 p.m.

Primary Registration for September 2012 begins February 1st

If you have a child who will be 5 years of age by December 31st, 2012 who will be attending public school in September, you need to register your child for school by March 1st.

Proof of residence, your child’s birth certificate and health card number (and expiry) are all required at the time of registration. You simply take these documents to your local school to register your child. Students who wish to enter French immersion register at their local school (not all schools offer this option).

Bedford families considering French Immersion Primary in September are invited to attend a French Immersion Information Session on Wednesday, February 8th at 7 pm in the gym at the Eaglewood site.

Please note: All registration for Sunnyside Elementary School students takes place at the Eaglewood site, not Fort Sackville or Waverley Road.

For more information on the primary registration process, to access forms, or to find out whether you live in a district offering early immersion, please check out this link:

For information on whether your child is eligible to be educated with the Acadian schoolboard, Conseil scolaire acadien provincial (CSAP), please check

BJH Late French Immersion Information Evening:

If your child will attend grade 7 at Bedford Junior High School in September and you’re interested in registering him/her for late French Immersion, there is a meeting on February 2nd at 6:30 pm in the BJH cafeteria.

Scholarships for Students with Disabilities:

The Partnership for Access and Awareness in Nova Scotia (PAANS) is now accepting applications for eleven scholarships worth $1,500 and three scholarships worth $2,000. The scholarships are for students with permanent disabilities pursuing a post secondary education. For more information, please visit The deadline for applications is on Friday, April 13, 2012 at 4:30pm.

Power of Positive Change Award:

The Power of Positive Change Award honours Nova Scotia students in grades Primary to 12 who have demonstrated leadership in promoting safe and positive environments, and building social cohesion and cultural diversity in their schools and/or communities. The recipient will receive a $2,000 bursary, which must be applied to a post-secondary educational opportunity, and a certificate of merit. For more information on the awards, check out

Order of Nova Scotia:

The Order of Nova Scotia is the highest honour awarded by the province and up to six people are inducted into the Order each year. If you know someone who has made an outstanding contribution to the cultural life or the social or economic well-being of our province, and you would like to nominate them, please visit for more details. Last day for nominations is March 3rd.

Bedford Volunteer of the Year Awards:

On Sunday, April 22, 2012 at 2:00pm, the Bedford Volunteer Awards Committee will host its annual awards ceremony and reception recognizing outstanding volunteers. The reception will take place at the Lion’s Den, 36 Holland Avenue in Bedford. If your organization would like to nominate an exceptional volunteer, please visit

Home Heating Assistance:

Applications for the Home Heating Assistance Rebate are now being accepted. Applications for the rebate can be found both online and in my constituency office (located at 1550 Bedford Highway, Suite 555 – across the street from The Chickenburger). The heating assistance program will subsidize up to $200 for eligible applicants to help heat their homes. For more information or to see if you are eligible, please visit


Bereavement Support

The Hospice Society of Greater Halifax holds a bereavement support group from 9:45 – 11:15 a.m. on the first Saturday of every month. This group is for adults who have experienced the death of loved ones and wish to explore their grief in a safe and supportive environment. The next meeting takes place on February 4th at 9 Spring Street. To confirm attendance, or for more information, call 446-0929.

Spaghetti Dinner/ Silent Auction/Dave Carroll (“United Breaks Guitars”) Concert

The Spaghettimen are back with their annual fundraising dinner on Saturday, February 11. There are two sittings – at 5:30 and 6:30; tickets are $25 for adults, $10 for youth 6 – 15, and children under 6 are free. Tickets can be purchased at Bedford United Church between services; dinner tickets include the concert. OR you can purchase concert only tickets for $15 – you can buy them at BUC or by reserving them with a call to 492-4104.

Rockingham Heritage Society Annual Heritage Dinner

The Rockingham Heritage Society will host its Annual Heritage Dinner on February 25, 2012 at 6:00pm. The event will be held at Saint Peter’s Church Hall. Guest speaker Sara Beanlands will talk about Rev. Andrew Brown and the history of Acadia. Tickets are $16 and are currently for sale to members. Non-members can purchase tickets from February 4 until February 20. To purchase a ticket, please call 443.2076.

Hats, the Musical

The Bedford Players will perform Hats, the Musical on March 2nd and 3rd at 8 p.m. at the Bedford Players Theatre, 1408 Bedford Highway (the All Saints Anglican Church Hall).

This is a musical inspired by real life stories and experiences, and the mission is to have fun. The musical numbers are catchy, running the gamut from joyous gospel-style, to a delightful doo-wop song and dance, to sobering ballads.

Adults $15; Students/Seniors 60+ $12. For reservations call 832-3300 or order on line at

If you have an event in the local community that you would like to advertise, please e-mail


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