Kennedy v. Strait Regional School Board, Board of Inquiry in Port Hawkesbury

An independent Nova Scotia human rights board of inquiry in the case of Brendon Kennedy, Inverness County, v. Strait Regional School Board, Port Hastings, is scheduled to begin on Monday, Oct. 3.     Mr. Kennedy alleges that he was discriminated against with respect to his age when applying for teaching positions within the board. The school board denies any discrimination occurred.The board of inquiry will begin at 9:30 a.m. at the Maritime Inn, 717 Reeves St., Port Hawkesbury. The board chair is Kenneth Crawford, who is independent of the commission. The commission is representing the public interest.Source: Release

An independent Nova Scotia human rights board of inquiry in the case of Brendon Kennedy, Inverness County, v. Strait Regional School Board, Port Hastings, is scheduled to begin on Monday, Oct. 3.     

Mr. Kennedy alleges that he was discriminated against with respect to his age when applying for teaching positions within the board. The school board denies any discrimination occurred.

The board of inquiry will begin at 9:30 a.m. at the Maritime Inn, 717 Reeves St., Port Hawkesbury.

The board chair is Kenneth Crawford, who is independent of the commission. The commission is representing the public interest.

Source: Release

Bayers Road – Night Time Road Closure

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