
Kerri’s Kare Bears Are At It Again! 2014 Relay For Life #Sackville

My sister and her teammates are already hard at it again this year raising money for the big Relay For Life event here in Sackville. Please check the link below to see why she is so involved with this and feel free to sponsor her if you can.

I’m very proud of her 🙂

Here’s a snippet from her personal site (below):

“Why I Relay

I relay in memory of my mom, Darlene Church.  Mom passed away from chondrosarcoma 22 years ago, she was 39.  It’s hard to put into words how I feel about her loss.  What was my mom to me?  Mom was unconditional love, affection, trust, supportive and understanding.  She was beautiful, fun and funny.  She was my friend.  I relay so no one has to be a motherless daughter due to cancer.

“A mother holds her children’s hands for just a little while, but their hearts forever.” ~Unknown

I also relay in memory of my dad, John Church.  My dad passed away from squamous cell carcinoma over 6 years ago, he was 61.  Dad was first diagnosed with cancer in 1997, he had non hodgkins lymphoma.  How would I describe my dad?…”Born To Ride”, lol (he would have loved that!).  If I had to describe my dad in one word it would be “Strong”. He went through chemo, bone marrow transplant, surgery and radiation and he would still smile and laugh.  He had a zest for life and made sure my sister Kandis and I enjoyed what life had to offer.  I think of my dad when I try to show my kids the good times in life.  I relay so people can enjoy life like my dad did.”;jsessionid=BCE9A98D452589C6706F0D232B3786AA.app275a?px=1874789&pg=personal&fr_id=14806&source=boundlessfundraising⊂_src=bfIphFbPfMsg&utm_campaign=Walk2012&utm_medium=BFiPhone&F3utm_source=Facebook&utm_content=HelpMe

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