
Kreativ Blogger!

I received a nomination for this Kreativ Blogger award from Jenn at Everything Makeup and Fashion Related. I was so stoked, lol. Thanks so much, Jenn.

To accept the award do the following:
1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
5. Nominate 7 Kreative Bloggers.
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know they have been nominated.

I’ll attempt a few things that might be slightly interesting about myself, lol:

1. I wore no eye makeup almost all my life until last summer, and now it’s all I buy. I see my eye lids as a blank canvas and I could paint them the way I want (still need practice!). It isn’t always the case with my face or lips.

2. I have no girlfriend around here who is into makeup to go shopping with. Squirt becomes my shopping pal for everything. She sometimes does have an opinion about colours that I should pick 🙂 I also drive my bf nuts for asking him to help me pick an item at the store that would look good on me.

3. My family lives way too far away from me and Squirt. There’s always a bit of a void in my heart that needs to be filled with family love. I’m gonna get to see them in November, can’t wait. I dread the long flights though.

4. I give everyone a hard time trying to pronounce my last name (blame my parents, lol). It was never a problem where I come from, lol. At least my first name is easy.

5. I got my license 2-3 years ago but never drive. I’m terrified of getting into an accident of some sort and hurting Squirt. Wish they built a skytrain system here, I could ride it everywhere.

6. Lots of people guess my age wrong (i.e. I look younger than I really am) which is a huge plus. Hate facing the age question, but it’ll come as I can’t fool them much longer when fine lines show up 🙂

7. I love reading beauty blogs more than fashion magazines. I need to read more books though. In the last few years, I read more children’s books (with Squirt) than books for myself. Good thing she can and loves to read now 🙂

I nominate:
– Cheryl at Cheryl’s Beauty Blog
– Le Midget at Dirt on the Rocks
– Jade at Enamored Enamel
– Crystal S. at Makeup by CrystalS
– Suzi at Suzi Style
– R. at Nouveau Cheap
– Millie at Glitter Millie


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