Latest On Arts Funding From Nova Arts

ARTS NOVA Bulletin
25 February 2011
Reporter Scoops Government, Announces Arts Council Programs
Paul McLeod, a reporter at, scooped the provincial government today by releasing detailed information regarding programs and budgets that will be transferred to Arts Nova Scotia, the proposed new arm's-length arts council.
Here is some of what he wrote:
Though the terms of reference for Arts N.S. are still being decided, the scope of what they will distribute has apparently been finalized.
Arts N.S. will distribute $2.3 million in funding to individuals, but that excludes any programs that are already run in association with outside groups …
Arts N.S. will oversee funding from five current pots of money:
·         Grants to Individuals
·         Grants to Small Groups and Organizations
·         Nova Scotia Art Bank Program
·         Art prizes (e.g. Portia White Prize)
·         Funding for the Nova Scotia Talent Trust …
The first step towards Arts N.S. is for the province to select a panel of artists to carve out the terms of reference for the new board.
Needless to say, this is all most interesting.
In its press release of 14 February, the Premier’s Office stated that “A panel of arts and culture representatives [not just artists] will be established in the next few weeks to set out the terms of reference for Arts Nova Scotia.”
Now, however, it seems that the most important “terms of reference”, the programs and budgets, have already been decided.
By Andrew David Terrace. When I sat on the Steering Committee for the Nova Scotia Arts Council in 1995, one of our tasks was to look at the programs of the Culture Division and recommend which ones should be transferred to the new arts council.  For some strange reason, I thought this sensible approach would be repeated.  Apparently not.

For context, here are the programs that are NOT being transferred to Arts Nova Scotia:
·         Assistance to Book Publishers
·         Cultural Opportunities for Youth
·         Cultural Activities
·         Emerging Music Business
·         Industry Growth
·         Operating Assistance to Cultural Organizations
There are also the “partnership” funds that go directly to Music NS for redistribution.  I don’t really know if those are administered separately or through one of the above programs.
You can check out where the money currently goes at, though I’m not sure if this is a complete listing.
By the way, if you’re confused about the difference between my company, ARTS NOVA, and the proposed new arts council, Arts Nova Scotia, don’t blame me.  I registered ARTS NOVA in 2003.

Photopool: Traffic got you down? Take the sidewalk.

The Beauty Queen of Leenane