lavish lime: keeping their lunches non-toxic with eco-sponge lunch boxes $50 giveaway

PVC, lead, phthalates and over 100 other potentially harmful substances isn’t exactly something that should come to mind when purchasing a new lunch box for your children. Sadly though, it is – I think about it everytime my 4 year old sees a superhero lunch box that he’d LOVE to have. And my reply is always, “but baby, it’s made of chemicals and it’s not a healthy lunch box”.  He’s okay with my response and happily carries his little organic cotton robot lunch box to school instead.

But I admit, I did feel some mama guilt that he had such a boring lunch box compared to what a lot of his friends have! Then the CUTEST eco-friendly lunch boxes arrived for my boys.

lavish lime: keeping their lunches non-toxic with eco-sponge lunch boxes $50 giveaway

A lady bug for my 2 year old and a rocket for my 4 year old. These have to been the coolest lunch boxes I have come across yet! They’re a wonderful size for school aged children and come in vibrant, bold colored graphics. The handles are padded and comfortable to carry and the zippers are smooth for little hands to easily pull open.

lavish lime: keeping their lunches non-toxic with eco-sponge lunch boxes $50 giveaway lavish lime: keeping their lunches non-toxic with eco-sponge lunch boxes $50 giveaway

Inside there are mesh pockets for sippy cups or water bottles and lots of space for containers. On the back there’s a huge pocket to stash other things they might need – a napkin, notes from mom and messages for teacher, etc.

lavish lime: keeping their lunches non-toxic with eco-sponge lunch boxes $50 giveaway

What really makes me smile is that these lunch boxes are non-toxic and contain no harmful chemicals.  They’re made of soft, stain resistant, durable PVC free “eco-sponge” that can be thrown in the washing machine an hung to dry. And machine washable is an absolute MUST for me since I’m often brought home open, half-eaten containers of yogurt that have spilled everywhere!

Earth day is such a great time to re-evaluate how green we’re doing things at home and if you need ideas and resources, Lavish & Lime is the perfect place to start! You’ll find the best eco-friendly products that I’m always itching to get my hands on, and lots of old favorites that continue to be best-sellers in their store. Like these s’well bottles (still my favorite EVER).

lavish lime: keeping their lunches non-toxic with eco-sponge lunch boxes $50 giveaway

If I had a place to bring a lunch to everyday, I’d take advantage of all the fabulous pink waste-free lunch options that are out there now and snatch up one of these chic, grown up (yet girly!)  lunch boxes, a spork, another pink s’well bottle of course and a pink stainless steel lunchbot container!

lavish lime: keeping their lunches non-toxic with eco-sponge lunch boxes $50 giveaway lavish lime: keeping their lunches non-toxic with eco-sponge lunch boxes $50 giveaway lavish lime: keeping their lunches non-toxic with eco-sponge lunch boxes $50 giveaway

Oh, and a couple non-toxic ice packs (in magenta of course!)

Need to re-vamp your waste-free lunch options? Let Lavish & Lime take care of you!

lavish lime: keeping their lunches non-toxic with eco-sponge lunch boxes $50 giveaway Lavish & Lime is giving one lucky reader a $50 gift certificate!

lavish lime: keeping their lunches non-toxic with eco-sponge lunch boxes $50 giveaway Visit Lavish & Lime and tell me what you would spend your gift certificate on if you won!

lavish lime: keeping their lunches non-toxic with eco-sponge lunch boxes $50 giveaway

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Closes May 1st at 8pm MST. Open to Canada & US only.*For facebook entries, please leave your first name and last initial with your comment so I can verify you’re a fan on facebook.

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lavish lime: non-toxic eco-sponge lunch boxes

lavish lime: non-toxic eco-sponge lunch boxes

Live Audio: Raymond Taavel Vigil