
Lead for HRM emergency homeless response named

The following is a statement from the Halifax Regional Municipality regarding the ongoing efforts to address homelessness in our region.

Beginning on Monday, Sept. 20, Assistant Chief of Emergency Management, Erica Fleck, has been assigned to a three-month role leading the emergency response to homelessness for the municipality. The focus of this role will be on the immediate support and coordination required to advance Council’s directive to invest $500,000 towards emergency accommodations.

Simultaneous to these immediate-term efforts, the process of hiring a full-time permanent position of Social Policy Strategist is also underway. This position was identified as a commitment in the 2021/22 fiscal budget. It is expected to be filled in the fall of 2021 and will focus on longer-term municipal priorities related to addressing homelessness in the Halifax region.

These resources will augment and support the ongoing work that municipal staff have been engaged in for the past several months on this critical issue.

Municipal staff continue to work to identify sites that have the potential to accommodate temporary housing and are assessing the appropriateness of their use for this purpose, as well as the potential costs. If appropriate options are identified, community-based service providers will be engaged to determine the suitability of the site for short-term housing and providing support. Further information on the status of these efforts will be provided in the coming weeks through regular updates as directed by Regional Council.

For more information on the municipality’s approach to homelessness and initiatives to support affordable housing, visit our website.

Source: Release

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