
Learn More About Me; Inspired by lululemon

Learn More About Me; Inspired by lululemon

So, I’m sure you know. I hate those “Answer these eleventeen questions that I have for you” quiz things that go around the interwebs.  But, I’m a good sport and answered one a few weeks ago when I was “tagged” by some fellow bloggers to do so.  As I was looking around online, I came across their “The Recruiting Top 11″ questions and actually liked and was inspired by them.  I’ve taken one of them out which was “How will you elevate lululemon?” as it doens’t really fit in this context, but here are the rest of the questions and my answers.

Take the time to think about what these questions are asking and feel free to answer some (or all) of them in the comments section below because I’d love to know how you feel and think about your life and what you aspire to do.

1. Tell us a goal you’ve achieved that you’re proud of (Personal, Professional or Health)?

I’ve successfully lost over 100lbs.  I once lived a very unhealthy lifestyle but I took it upon myself and in to my own hands to change my life for the better.  Attaining this one goal has put in motion for me the life long practice of setting goals and trying to attain them.  It’s also inspired me to dedicate my life to helping others by sharing my story with whoever will listen.

2. How have you elevated someone from mediocrity to greatness?

Growing up, I played a lot of competitive sports and to this day, I hate to lose. I’m a competitor and I feel I bring out that same competitiveness in people. I’ve had lots of personal one on one battles with people in team sports and I know that I’ve brought out the best in some of them because they wanted to beat ME so bad.

With what I do on Your Inner Skinny and my personal training, my goal is to urge people, to push them and lift them to be a competitor in life and to and help bring out that greatness in themselves that they may not even know they have.

3. How would you spend an ideal day off with no financial limits?

I’m sure a lot of people are going to think I’m crazy when I say this, but if I could do anything in a day, it would be to train with the professionals. I don’t want to train with them because I want to be like “OH MY GOD IT’S ELI MANNING”, I’m not the type who gets star struck.  I want to train with the pros because they train to win and they push themselves to be better at what they do.  And to be honest, I don’t even know if I care about training WITH the pros, I just want to be trained by their trainers and train how they train.

So whatever that costs, that’s what I would do.  That and then go to Italy for supper and eat some of the best pasta and drink some of the best wine in the world and ruin all that training I just did.

4. If you could high five anyone, who would it be and why?

I feel like people would expect me to have some big inspirational speech and person listed here and for some life changing reason, but I’m not. I’d actually need three high-5s. One for each of my parents and one for my brother. They are across the country and I haven’t seen them in a while and I miss them, a lot.

5. Tell me a quote you live by:

The best piece of advice I’ve ever taken from someone is “If you don’t like something, change it.” which you can read here.

6. What are you most passionate about?

Life. I’m passionate about life.

I bring a passion and an attitude to everything I do. I don’t think there’s anything I don’t give 100% in my life.  I do what makes me happy and I try to share that with the people I’m around. It could be health and fitness related like helping someone attain their goals to lose weight, it could be coaching minor hockey which I love doing or it could be doing something for myself like play flag football with the boys on Friday nights.

If I decide that I want to do something or go after something, that’s what I become passionate about.  Why do something if you’re not going passionate about it?

7. What do you want to be remembered for?

I want to be remembered for being me and no one else.  I’m an original. I’m one of a kind. I’m not perfect but I don’t try to pretend to be anyone else and I’m happy with who I am.

8. What gets you up in the morning?

My alarm clock. *badhum-ching*

But seriously, I think everything I’ve written above is why I get up in the morning. My passion for life. My passion for wanting to help people. My friends. My family. The amazing woman in my life. These are the reasons I get up every morning.

9. What is the theme song of your life?

“I’m sexy and I know it” by LMFAO

Nah, I’m just kidding… Or am I? No… I am…

I’m not sure I have an “official” theme song.  My life is constantly changing and growing and therefore different songs mean different things to me at different times in my life.  Change is a big part of life and change is good.  That being said, I guess “Change” by Blind Melon or “Changes” by David Bowie would be very suiting.

Some songs that have meaning to me for one reason or another are “Nutshell” by Alice in Chains, “Black” by Pearl Jam, “Over the Hills and Far Away” by Led Zeppelin, “City of Lakes” by Matt Mays, “Fiddler’s Green” by The Tragically Hip, “Hard Sun” by Eddie Vedder, “Lovers in a Dangerous Time” by The Barenaked Ladies, “Act on Impulse” by We Were Promised Jetpacks…

This list could go on for days. I haven’t even touched on the stuff that pumps me up for the gym or my soft spot for old school hip-hop like A Tribe Called Quest and The Wu-Tang Clan.  I honestly believe that music is the soundtrack to our lives so I find it hard to pick just one song to be my official theme.

10. What is your favorite way to sweat?

I LOVE sports. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE sports!

If you stick me on a treadmill and tell me to run 5km, I’ll probably bitch and complain about it afterward, if not the whole time.  But put a jersey on me and tell me to chase a ball around for 90 mins and I’ll thank you for it.


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