
Let’s Decorate: Controlling Stuffed Animals

Mom 1 – Stuffies 0  To try to decorate a kid’s space without talking about organizing is absolutely impossible. Our kids are little, cute, funny and we love them, but they come with a lot of stuff and no where to put it. The nemeses of most parents in the common situation of “too much stuff” are stuffed animals. They are probably one of the most common gifts for kids from the time they are born. Admittedly, they are quite cute, and cuddly, and I hear from reliable sources that they are amazing tea party guests, so really, what kid wouldn’t want lots of these lovely friends around?   The problem is that they can quickly take over a space and morph from cute accessories to all out clutter. 
I’m sharing a few of my favourite and stylish ways to tame the wild animal clutter. Enjoy!
Let's Decorate: Controlling Stuffed Animals
Here’s how we corral them in our house. These great garden buckets from Lee Valley are quite useful in just about any room in the house as well as outside it.
Another chic and slightly more sophisticated solution are these lined laundry baskets. They can be found at many home stores.   These 2 are from Home Depot.
This great item is very cool! It’s called the animal bag. Not only does it hold the clutter, it doubles as a great seat or pillow.  It’s from a company called Boon, which is sold at a few different kids stores around the HRM, including The Royal Diaperer.
The last is for the serious stuffed animal collector! It’s called The Zoo and can be found at I’m sure if you’re the handy type, with some wood, paint and a few exercise bands you could even DIY this one!?
I hope that these solutions will help you get the stuffy clutter under control. Good luck with the herding at your house! 
Wendy Monaghan, Interior Decorator and owner of Link Interiors, creates homes where life and style co-exist with flair.   She believes that a functional space allows families to have more quality time together and that children and all of their stuff can live in a beautiful home. She is the mother of 2 fabulous HRM girls, aged 8 & 5. For more information or to contact Wendy, visit her website,


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