
Let’s Party: Painting

Let’s Paint! ” my daughter cheered as the plan for her 5th birthday a few weeks ago. She’s always been a big fan of the Clay Café so it was a pretty easy choice to have it there, despite all the fun ideas I had for hosting it at home.

Making the invitations was a family affair.  We all had fun painting paper using lots of different colours and when it was dry we attached another piece of paper with the party details that we printed out on the computer.


Let's Party: Painting


Colour was the focus of our snack choices with fruit, veggies, cheese, and of course some smarties, that we displayed in painters palates on each of the tables. 


The cake was made from a slab cake cut into the shape of a palate.  We used gel icing for the paint colours and a breadstick with a dollop of fondant on the end to make the brush.  


We also put together these little packages of a palate of paint and a canvas for each guest to take home after the party since their painted clay pieces had to go in the oven before they could be brought home.


My daughter’s comment on her way to bed that night? “It was so fun to paint with my friends today, I love them all and I love you, Mommy” You just can’t beat that!!


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