
Let’s Party: Red, Red, Red

My youngest daughter just celebrated her 3rd birthday and it was one of the easiest parties we’ve had so far.  We offered up lots of ideas – a princess theme, a Dora party, tea party, barbie, teddy bear picnic the list goes on.  She said no to all of it.  Instead, she asked for a “red” party.  Red, red, red…was all she wanted.  Which is not surprising since it’s her absolute favourite color.  A near obsession really, since she’s currently on the search for a red cereal, red soap for the tub and red pajamas for her doll.

Believe it or not, our whole family had fun coming up with all the red things we could think of.  My older daughter was on mission to come up with as many red things as she could and would catch us off guard a few times as she shouted “licorice” from the back seat of the car, or whispered  “pomegranate” from her bed one evening.  It was definitely a family affair.

The whole thing was pretty simple in the end. Granted we chose to have it at the Funzone at Dalplex, but as for the party side, we served a load of red snacks and drinks including: mini-jello cups (which the parents enjoyed just as much as the kids!), babybel cheeses cut into fun shapes and faces and of course a red cake. 



I attempted to make red candy apples as a loot bag but, let’s just say that was a bust…so we found these at the dollar store and filled them with a pack of popcorn, a red juice box, red napkin and a few other red snacks.

We also had all her guests wear something red and one of her friends even gave her a couple of red themed books which we’ve been reading every night since! 


Everyone had a great time and many of the parents agreed that a simple “colour” theme makes for a fast and easy party that’s still lots of fun!

Now my older daughter wants a “pink” party for her birthday in December – gotta love it!


We love hearing from you and always love content for our blog.  If you have a party or family celebration you want to share in our Let’s Party blog, send some photos and a write-up of the party details to and we’ll feature it in an upcoming blog.


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