Let’s Talk # 100!

Geoff Regan is committed to hearing from the people of Halifax West. When he was first elected in 1993, he began a series of “Let’s Talk” meetings. The idea behind these events is to hear from people at locations close to their own neighbourhoods.

Every year, Geoff holds meetings in legions, church halls, community centers and schools throughout the constituency. Unless there is a specific topic, the meetings are held in two parts, the first hour an open discussion and the second hour devoted to private appointments. Geoff has held 99 of these public meetings.

Let’s Talk # 100

September 10, 2011 12- 2 p.m.
Canada Games Centre
26 Thomas Raddall Drive (off Lacewood Drive)

Please join Geoff Regan for a BBQ and cake to celebrate over a decade of public engagement

Source: http://www.bedfordbeacon.com/lets-talk-100

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