Listen to your Body; Know your Limits!

I’ve been pretty injured the past three or four weeks.

First it was my right hip, which then turned in to my left hip flexor (compensating for the right hip), which proceeded in to a groin injury (15 year old hockey injury) and then that all affected my lower back. This has been my life for the past month.

While injured, I wasn’t pushing myself too hard but I WAS still playing hockey and a bit of volleyball and I was still training for my 10k run in May.  Now that I think of it, I was still pushing myself pretty hard… Two weeks ago, on my run, I got to about 2k and I had to stop because the pain was so bad.  I was really disappointed because the week before I had run my farthest distance ever of 6k and here I was, a week later, and only able to make it 2 kilometres, devastating!

This got me thinking of an article I wrote last year about “Playing Through the Pain” and it made me realize how stupid I was being for continuing to run and play sports even though it hurt for me to stand and walk.  I decided I needed to listen to my body and take some time off from my Team Myles Training and from hockey and volleyball.  I had been feeling good in the gym lately so even though I wasn’t doing these specific “contact sports”, I did stay with a modified gym routine so I could continue my weight training.

After two weeks of no running and no volleyball, and along with some physio treatment, last Saturday I was feeling pretty good and I decided to go on my Saturday morning run with the Team Myles group!  Saturday’s run was going to be the furthest distance attempted to date, 7.5km, and to be honest, I didn’t think there was any way in hell I was going to be able to complete the full run.

Before the run I was quite nervous and anxious about it, but I laced up my shoes anyway, did my stretches and ran with Liam and Lisa T and we all managed to complete the 7.5km in 44 minutes, encouraging each other along the way!  It was great!  (BTW, this was a new personal distance for both Myself and Liam!)

I’m still easing myself back in to sports and not pushing myself too hard, but I’m feeling better and a bit wiser by taking my own advice to not train while injured.  Who woulda thunk it?


How I Met Your Mother: Papa Don’t Teach