
Live: CIS Women’s Soccer Championships: Cape Breton v. Queen’s

Join Dylan and his stable, Canada Games leftover internet connection at 9:30am (9:30! AM!) for what should be one of the better games of the tournament.

A solid but exposed Gaels team will have to contend with a rolling and talented Capers squad that could unseat one of the tournament favourites.

Find out who gets to mark Jacqueline Tessier and argue about whether Jessica Furtado looks like Carlos Tevez or not after the jump. And, as always, if you’re reading on Haligonia or some mobile devices, you won’t see the CoverItLive window. Follow the links and you will see it. While you’re at Haligonia, head over to the forums and discuss the playoffs in our thread.

<a href=”” >Live: CIS Women’s Soccer Championships: Cape Breton v. Queen’s</a>

[Cross-posted to Dal Soccer Live,, The CIS Blog,]

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