
Lobster Industry Invited to Discuss, Provide Input

NOTE: A list of dates and locations of meetings follows this release.
Members of the lobster fishing industry are invited to discuss a proposed two-cent per pound fee to help promote and market the lobster industry.

Consultations led by the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture will begin Jan. 27.

These discussions are an opportunity for members of the lobster fishing industry to share their views on the proposed fee, talk about what the money could be used for, and how the fund could be collected and administered. Last March, Nova Scotia hosted a Canadian Lobster Value Recovery Summit where participants endorsed a Maritime levy of one cent from harvesters and one cent from buyers.

“Hearing from lobster fishermen is important in ensuring this is an industry-led initiative. We have a top-quality product in Nova Scotia. We know it, and I believe it’s time for the world to know it too,” said Fisheries and Aquaculture Minister Keith Colwell. “As the number one supplier of cold-water lobster, a marketing campaign will help us capitalize on the Canadian brand that’s already recognized for quality.”

There will be 16 face-to-face meetings west of Halifax, and consultations with fishing associations east of Halifax from Jan. 27 to Feb. 18. French language services will be available at five of the meetings.

Information on the meetings and consultation process is available at .

Source: Release

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