
Localized State of Emergency Renewed for Crane Removal

**** EMO Media Release

Localized State of Emergency Renewed for Crane Removal
The province is renewing the localized state of emergency under the authority of the Emergency Act to support the safe removal of the crane at a building on South Park Street in Halifax.


“We are making progress and are extending the localized state of emergency to ensure the continued safety of those working in the area,” said Chuck Porter, Minister responsible for Emergency Management. “We know this has been an extremely difficult time for those who have had their lives and business disrupted by this incident.”


The renewed state of emergency remains in effect for 14 days, until Oct. 30, unless government terminates or extends it.

Quick Facts:
— the localized emergency area is defined as the city block within the boundaries of Cathedral Lane, and bordered by Brenton Street, Brenton Place and Spring Garden Road
— government declared a localized state of emergency at the site where the crane rests on Sept. 18. It was extended for another 14 days on Oct. 2
— Halifax Fire and Emergency Services is responsible for the evacuation order affecting residential and business tenants
— the Department of Labour and Advanced Education will monitor and inspect the work onsite for compliance with regulations and safety standards

Additional Resources:
Emergency Management Act:

Nova Scotia Emergency Management Office emergency webpage:

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