
LOCK YOUR VEHICLES! #Sackville Car Hoppers Be Hopping.

Ohhh look….my favourite subject! 

There seems to be a spike in vehicle break-ins here in Sackville recently. We MUST lock our vehicles and me MUST report any incident involving someone messing with your property.

I keep mine locked after getting burned several times over the years…cameras in the area help too!

I know a lot of people are laying in wait for the perps but beating a car hopper senseless may feel good at the time but it is much easier to just lock the doors and remove valuables.

Here is some chatter about it:

18 reports between here and Cabot and Cavalier. Cars broken into last night. @sack_vegas #pleasecomebacktonight

Happened to us last night. Left the truck unlocked, they got the change and rifled thru the console.

At least two cars on Crimson drive were broken into last night. Ours being one. They rooted through the glove box’s of both cars and left everything on the floor. It doesn’t look like they took anything in either car. There could be more but I’ve only been able to talk to the few people that are home. It would be good for the community to know that there’s people going around doing it though.

Another car has been confirmed, and 1 person on stone mount said someone tried to break into theirs last night but didn’t get in

Just heard another on cavalier was broken into.

You get the idea….I guess it’s up to us to spread the word so please share this around.

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