
London 2012 Olympics

London 2012 Olympics

I love the Olympics! They’re SO inspiring to me. The competition, the gathering of all kinds of people from all over the world, the pride for your country, the glory, the heart break… I love it all!

I’m a PROUD Canadian. I love my country and I love everything that it represents and the Olympics really brings out my Canadian pride in full force. I’m not ashamed to admit that when Canada won the Gold Medal in Hockey at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, I had my Canadian flag draped around my shoulders and I cried with joy and excitement.

Here we are, two years later, and it’s time for the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, UK. My heart is full of hope for our Canadian athletes and I can’t wait for sports like beach and indoor volleyball, soccer and weight lifting (although I watch almost every sport with excitement), while at the same time, I have a bit heavy heart.

In late 2010, myself and the missus spent 6 months living in downtown London, just two blocks from the Tower of London. She was there for work downtown and I got a job in an ad agency in a beautiful part of London called Islington, so we felt like proper Londoners while we lived there. I also played on a division 2 men’s volleyball team, we were members at a gym, we had friends, we went out, we were regulars at a pub. It was home.

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Earlier this month, I wrote a small post in My Race Ragz July newsletter, talking about my old running routes when we lived there and as I sit here watching all of the opening day coverage, it’s really making me miss London, big time!

For the next 10 days, my workout schedule is going to revolve around the Olympics. We don’t have a TV at the gym, but I may need to change that as well. Are you excited for the Olympics? Are you going to watch them? Do you find them Olympics inspiring? What’s your favorite sport?


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