Long Week

This is always the longest week of the year for me.  After having 2 weeks off over the holidays my body just doesn’t like to cooperate at all.  To make matters even worse, I had first aid training ALL day today.  Yup, a 6 day work-week isn’t exactly easing back into it, that’s for sure.  I’m glad that I finally got my re-cert though, as I’ve been trying to get to this course since September and have rescheduled every single month.

Weight Watchers


I’m not sure what I want to do about Weight Watchers.  No, it’s not what you’re thinking, I’m doing fine staying OP.  I’m just finding it difficult to get to the meetings and have a feeling that dedicating the rest of the Winter/Spring to running several days a week is only going to make it even more difficult time-wise.  This morning I didn’t wake up when planned so I missed the going to WI and headed straight to First Aid instead.   But, I still have my WW Online membership and stepped on the scale at home.  My scale (compared to meeting scale) is pretty accurate, probably about a half pound off.   Anyways, the good thing is that I was down 6.2 lbs. Yup, I lost almost all of the 7 lbs I gained over my 2 week holiday.  I knew it was mostly water weight but none the less, my body feels normal again, which is quite a relief.

I’m really trying to decide whether it’s realistic to stay with meetings or just go back to WW Online.  One of the main reasons that I joined meetings back in October was because tracking online wasn’t working anymore.  There was no one to stay accountable to but me.  With meetings I really don’t like going in and gaining because there is someone else who knows etc.  Know what I mean?  When I first started waaaay back in July 2007  I used WW Online and would faithfully WI at home and post my results every Saturday morning for all of blogland to see.   I didn’t want to embarrass myself or let my bloggies down so I really tried all weekAnd it worked.   But then I got comfortable with everyone and it all went to hell. 😉  The other thing that bothers me about this is that there are other people involved and I don’t want to let anyone down.

X-Weighted National Challenge


So very excited about this challenge especially I’ll be doing it with a bunch of other wonderful ladies – Amy, Jen, Tash, Marie & Jenny!  I signed up this afternoon when I got home – input all my dirty deets. 

Weight:  200 lbs
Height: 5’4”
Chest: 42”
Waist: 41”
Hips:  48”
Fitness Test Results:  3:16

Recommended Weight Loss Goal:
To lose 52lbs over 26 weeks putting me at 148lbs. Funny how that is exactly 2 lbs per week.

My Fitness Goal:
Run a Half Marathon.  Figured this was the only fitness goal I needed at the moment.

I have to say that I really love that this is a Canadian challenge with prizes that I’m actually eligible for. :)  Best of all it’s promoting nation-wide awareness/education of health and fitness. 

FYI:  You can still sign up, think registration closes tomorrow though so get your butts over there to get on board!


Anywho, I’ve blabbed enough and didn’t include any pics.  Sorry I’ve been lazy with the camera. ;)  Plans for the rest of the weekend include getting caught up on Days, a bit of baking, a 6K LSD tomorrow (speaking of, check out some exciting news I received about a personalized half training program!)  and relaxing with the hubby. 

Hope you’re all have a wonderful weekend.

NOTD: Claire’s Yel

Mooseheads Drop A Close One