
Looking Back at 2012

Looking Back at 2012

thank you note for every language © by woodleywonderworks

It is the season of reflection and of gratitude for me as I have made it through another year. So what did I learn in 2012? What good did I do? How will I remember 2012?

There was many a struggle for  many in 2012, and my daughter and I were included in that mix, early in 2012, we struggled in get a health card, and a diagnosis, then there was the hospital stay, and then learning to live with mental illness.

I was ever so grateful for those who supported us and shared what worked for their teens. I am also grateful for the help I got from the Ministry of Health, Rachel’s doctors at St. Joesph’s and the team that has grown up around us as we deal and learn coping skills that will help Rachel heal, and succeed. This is the year I watched my daughter be courageous.

Back in January, because of a post by Chris Brogan, I came up with my own 3 words that would be my theme for 2012, and what a year it has been. My three words were Create, Connect, Cultivate. I have done that this year.

Back in January, my daycare business failed when the families I cared for all faced job losses, I had to job hunt. My job hunt lasted exactly 6 days. From that I learned I had many a connection who had my back. I am very grateful for Donna Marie offering me the job at ShesConnected.

My time at ShesConnected saw me learning much about Social Media, it had been growing relationships with bloggers across Canada, and brands as well both here and in the United States. I also got to be involved with the launch of Extreme Trust, and hosted many a twitter party with many a brand.

I think 3 of my personal favorite experiences with Twitter parties were working with ING Direct to talk about financial literacy and kids last month, talking chicken and food banks with Chicken Farmers in the spring as we raced to raise awareness about hunger in Canada, and the Mirror Ball on Twitter in November while working with Look Good Feel Better and their largest fundraiser of the yea, a great organization that helps women facing cancer.

I also was in on all the planning for a great Canadian bloggers conference, ShesConnected that happened in October. It was great to see ideas first listed on paper come alive. Seeing 500 people who all care about the blogosphere in Canada under one roof was awesome.  It was also nice to add my voice to this conference by speaking as well.

I also had the chance in 2012 to get to know some amazing women.If you do not follow these women, you want to.

First Donna Marie Antoniadis, she was my boss for much of this year, and even though I am not with ShesConnected now, she will always have a spot in my heart for she taught me much. She works tirelessly on behalf of the brands that she works with, always looking for ways to do it bigger and better.

Liz Strauss I also got to meet this year finally! I have tweeted and talked to Liz for 3 years now but 2012 saw us actually get to sit down over dinner, and breakfast, one on one. I am very grateful for those chances to connect with one of the most generous, kind and smart women there is in the social media realm. I always carry away lessons from each conversation.

Marcy Berg and I have been friends now, for more then a year and I am ever so grateful to have this smart business woman in my corner. From sending me to see Oprah this year, to hanging over dinner, to phone calls her friendship has been more then a blessing.

Andrea Tomkins has been a forerunner as a Canadian blogger, and her and I got to connect at the ShesConnected Conference and it was great getting to know her personally. She is smart and when it comes to the Canadian blogosphere she is a leader.

AnneMarie Mills and I had a wonderful chance to reconnect this month. Some times old friends are the best kind to have around. They know your history.

Over all as I looked back at 2012 it is with gratitude for the many ways in which my life was blessed this year by so many of you, for that my heart is light. Thank you for being apart of my 2012. I am looking forward to seeing where 2013 takes us.


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