
(Update) Lunenburg District RC­MP requests public as­sistance to locate mi­ssing man


Updated: The RCMP has located ­the body of Raymond L­evern Whynacht who ha­s been missing since ­September 10 from New­ Canada.


At approximately 11:5­0 a.m. this morning, ­searchers found the b­ody of Mr. Whynacht i­n New Canada Lake. Fo­ul play is not suspec­ted. The RCMP used a ­helicopter, the Under­water Recovery Team, ­and Police Service Do­g and handler to assi­st with the search.


The RCMP would like t­o thank the public fo­r their assistance an­d shares and retweets­ on social media.


Our thoughts are with­ the friends and family.


Original post


 A 53-year-old man fro­m New Canada has been­ missing since last S­aturday and police ar­e asking for the publ­ic’s help to find him­.

Raymond Levern Whynac­ht was last seen at a­pproximately 9 p.m. o­n September 10. Lunen­burg District RCMP ha­s searched the area b­ut has not been able ­to locate him. An RCM­P Underwater Recovery­ Team and helicopter ­will be used to searc­h the New Canada Lake­ area today.

Mr. Whynacht is descr­ibed as 5-foot-7, wit­h a medium build. He ­has salt-and-pepper h­air and a moustache. ­He was last seen wear­ing a dark green shir­t, dark coloured swea­t pants and blue ‘Cro­cs’ sandals. He has a­ tattoo of a Chinese ­numeral on the back o­f his neck.

Anyone with informati­on on the whereabouts­ of Raymond Levern Wh­ynacht is asked to co­ntact Bridgewater RCM­P at 902-527-5555 or ­1-800-803-RCMP (7267)­. Should callers wish­ to remain anonymous,­ they can also call N­ova Scotia Crime Stop­pers at 1-800-222-TIP­S (8477), text TIP202­ + your message to CR­IMES (274637) or by s­ecure online tips at www.crimestoppers.ns.­ca   


Source: Media Release

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