
Lung Association of Nova Scotia hopes Nova Scotia smokers gobble up the opportunity to become smoke-free

****  Ling Association Media Releases

Lung Association of Nova Scotia hopes Nova Scotia smokers gobble up the opportunity to become smoke-free

The Lung Association of Nova Scotia announces that registration is now open for the 5th annual Quit Cold Turkey Challenge – a smoking cessation challenge which invites Nova Scotians to quit smoking for 30 days and receive a surprising reward for their success – a FREE Nova Scotia Turkey.

Last year, 177 people signed up for the challenge, and 34% of those participants were able to complete the challenge successfully. Our goal this year, is to engage 100 Nova Scotians, and offer stronger support to the registrants.

Beginning at Noon on November 4th, participants will begin their attempt to quit smoking “cold turkey” for 30 days. Studies show that individuals who quit for a period of 30 days, are more likely to remain smoke-free.

When the challenge ends at Noon on December 4th, challenge participants will be asked if they have remained smoke-free, the entire time. For those people who manage to stay smoke-free for the 30 days (not even a puff), they will be celebrated for their success with the gift of a free turkey.

For people interested in joining the challenge, registration is available on the Lung Association of Nova Scotia’s website:

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