Most of us who are parents right now are settling back into routines and things of that nature so there is much that must be tackled. If your house is anything like mine it sure is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle and forget to stop with the hustle and simply stop and have some family fun, some play time.
One of the most important things we do or try to do every day is tackle fun. I make it a point to spend part of our day simply in play and since I parent a young teen that is not always an easy thing to do let me tell you.
Whether it be something as simple as Egging my daughter, with a Kinder Egg that she still finds to be fun and yummy so we have a bonus with that one, to getting her to play creatively with our dinner menu when it is her turn to cook, to sharing a video, or a really good song we try and take time to simply have a little fun and to have some daily play time.
One of our favorite joint activites is to pull out a board game. My young teen still loves these thank goodness! We have spent many an hour tackling a good game of Monopoly or Risk.
I am grateful that play and fun do not have to cost alot, and well it sure helps us save our sanity.
Now getting back to egging my daughter with Kinder Eggs, it is something I have done since she was little and she has loved it and I am so thankful that I can say I am a #kindermom.
Have you checked out their Facebook Page yet? They are giving away ten $200 Kinder gift baskets? Draw is October 12th! Think of the fun you could have with that.
How do you tackle play and family fun?
*Disclosure: I’m part of the KINDER® Mom program and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.
*this post will be shared as Tackle Tuesday on 5 Minutes for Mom.