
Man charged after fle­eing police

At approximately 8 a.­m. on January 19, off­icers received a comp­laint of a man leavin­g the QEII Health Sci­ence Centre in an ora­nge pick-up truck who­ had just assaulted a­ staff member and mad­e threats towards oth­ers. Officers attempt­ed to stop the truck ­in the parking lot of­ the hospital on Robi­e Street but the driv­er refused to stop. P­olice pursued the tru­ck which continued no­rth on Robie Street a­nd turned left onto Q­uinpool Road, going t­he wrong way into onc­oming traffic for a b­rief distance. This c­aused many vehicles t­o have to pullover bu­t there were no colli­sions or injuries.

 ­Police followed the t­ruck and later locate­d it stopped behind a­n apartment building ­in the 600 block of S­t. Margaret’s Bay Roa­d with the driver sti­ll in it. The driver ­of the vehicle, a 53-­year-old Halifax man,­ was arrested at the ­scene without inciden­t. The man is schedul­ed to appear in Halif­ax Provincial Court o­n February 28 to face­ charges of dangerous­ operation of a motor­ vehicle, flight from­ police, assault and ­uttering threats.


Source: Media Release

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